Marry Me (Edaline POV)

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They'd met at Edaline's Winnowing Gala.

She knew who Grady was--you don't manifest as a Mesmer without some level of notoriety.

And it did seem like people tended to give him a wide berth, almost as though they were afraid of him.

He didn't look very scary.

He looked...good.

Really good.

The blond hair that kept falling into his eyes.

The broad shoulders.

His easy smile.

He was by far the most charismatic person she'd met at her Gala.

She asked why he had never thrown a Gala, and his answer made her heart ache for him.

"I wasn't sure how many girls would even show up," he admitted to her quietly, not wanting any of the others to hear. "I didn't want to admit this to my parents, but...I had a feeling there would only be a few girls that would come. Who would want to end up falling for a Mesmer?Who would even trust that I hadn't used my ability on them in the first place? But I would never, not for that. I want a girl that wants me."

She hadn't expected him to open up to her so quickly, so easily. But she was glad he had.

She was drawn to him.

And he seemed drawn to her too.

"I would have come," she told him confidently.

"Considering you danced with me, and then made it through the rest of your dance cards as fast as you could before coming back to me, and then haven't left my side again all evening," Grady told her with a grin, "I guess I believe you."

By the time the Gala ended, Edaline knew there was only one she was interested in.


And something about the way he took her face in his hands and fervently kissed her goodnight--even though they'd just officially met that day--told her that he felt the same way.

Even with all the eyes of her other potential matches on them.

With her parents there.

He just kissed her, unprompted, confident and desirable and unbelievably sweet.

She walked away feeling a bit dizzy and incredibly giddy.

And she couldn't sleep that night. She just laid awake in bed, thinking of Grady. The sound of his laugh. That mischievous look he'd had in his eyes before he boldly grabbed her and kissed her.

Grady was a Regent and was working his way toward becoming an Emissary. They had both joined the Nobility as soon as they'd graduated from their Elite levels.

Edaline knew Grady probably faced a lot of scrutiny and fear because of his ability, but she also knew that wouldn't mean that doors would be closed to him.

His ability wasn't banned.

Only one ability was banned.

And Councillor Bronte had an equally rare and frightening ability--he was the only known Inflictor.

And he still had plenty of respect.

Not well liked, perhaps, but...that was more Bronte than his ability.

Grady was incredibly, ridiculously likable.

Some people were still just plain stupid, and shied away from Grady.

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