Sophie (Elwin POV)

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A/N: @littlemissmelsie25 once mentioned wanting to see more Elwin content...or maybe even specifically requested Elwin's POV of the first time he met Sophie...I can't really remember. Either way, this is Elwin's POV of meeting Sophie at Everglen when she first moved to the Lost Cities.

Elwin wasn't sure what to expect as he leapt to Everglen.

Alden had hailed him and explained about the young girl--the young elf--they'd found hidden away in the Forbidden Cities.

A girl who had no clue until yesterday that she wasn't human.

Elwin never would've believed such a thing would be possible if he hadn't heard it from Alden personally.

And now he was waiting in Everglen's conservatory, waiting for this new girl to arrive.

Who was she? Why did she exist? What did it mean? To whom did she belong and why did they give her up to go live in the Forbidden Cities?

When Fitz sent her in, she approached Elwin nervously.

He couldn't blame her for that.

Her whole world had just changed.

She'd lost everything. And now here she was in a strange city, in a strange home, with a strange physician she's never met.

With only her experience of human medicine.

He gave her a warm smile and shook her hand. "I'm Elwin."

Her nervous smile didn't quite reach her eyes.

Her brown eyes.

Was that because of all of the toxins? Would that happen to any elf with prolonged exposure?

"I'm Sophie," she said quietly.

Elwin laughed. "I know. And don't worry. Elvin medicine is far superior to human medicine. I'm not going to hurt you. I promise, I'm not a scary person."

She nodded, but said nothing else.

He instructed her to lie down on the cot so he could begin inspecting her cells from head to toe.

Who knew what twelve years of exposure to polluted air, human food and drink, and human medicine had done to her. He needed to get a full scope of her health so he could get it back on track.

Or rather...on track properly for the first time ever.

"This goes a lot faster if you hold still," he told her, adjusting the pillow behind her. She was being very fidgety in her nervousness and was still just staring at him with wide eyes.

She nodded and seemed to be forcing her body to still. He lifted her right arm, and the simple act brought fear into her eyes.

He couldn't blame her.

Human medicine was...

Very different from elvin medicine.

"What are you doing?" Sophie asked him.

He snapped his fingers, calling forth a green orb of light around her elbow. "See? Painless."

She stared at it in wonder. "How did you do that?"

He explained about Flashers as he examined her. This poor girl was going to have quite the learning curve for a while.

"Whoa, that is some serious damage," Elwin murmured, looking at her cells. Not to mention some particular damage--that looked fairly new--to her lungs. Alden had mentioned a lot of smoke inhalation.

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