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A/N: I felt so bad about breaking everyone's hearts with the last couple of chapters, so I'm updating again with some lovely Sokeefe fluff. After this, we'll be back to updates a couple of times a week, but I felt like I needed to present this peace offering first! I even made it extra long for you!

This one-shot takes place a couple of months after the events of Stellarlune. Keefe's abilities have been restored, he's back to attending Foxfire and receiving training in his commanding ability.

"You know what the best thing about leaping with you to Havenfield is, now that we're dating?" Keefe asked as they approached the Leapmasters after study hall.

"Um...avoiding the Shores of Solace?" Sophie guessed.

Keefe smirked. "Okay, that's pretty good too," he admitted. "Though my dad didn't give me any grief about not moving back in until after Ro came back, and then she made it very clear that if he didn't leave us alone she'd unleash all the horrors that ogre microbiology has to offer. So even when we're there, I don't have to deal with him much."

"That's true. When you invited everyone over to swim a couple of weeks ago, I never even saw him."

"That's because I made some very specific threats that day," Ro said from behind them, flashing a somewhat wicked-looking grin.

They'd reached a Leapmaster by then, and Keefe called down a crystal for Havenfield and pulled Sophie, Ro, and Sandor into the light.

"The best part," he told her as they rematerialized in the pastures, "is that I don't have to let go of your hand." He gave her hand a gentle squeeze and his smirk turned to something warmer. "I can just hold your hand because I want to."

Sophie's heart fluttered, making Keefe's smile turn back into a smirk.

A smirk that widened at Sandor's squeaky sigh.

"You got something to say, Gigantor?" Keefe asked.

"No. Other than to remind you, again, that if you hurt Miss Foster I will find some very creative ways to hurt you. Grady and I have been brainstorming."

"Fear Team Grady-Sandor, got it," Keefe said with an eye roll. "Though that's a weird name. What about...Grandor?"

Sandor growled.

"Don't worry," Keefe continued. "You threaten me almost daily, and I keep telling you the same thing: I'd die before I hurt her."

"Or soon after," Sandor countered.

"Um, guys?" Sophie cut in. "Do I get any say in this? It's me you're talking about, after all."

"Okay," Sandor agreed. "If Keefe hurts you, I'll let you inflict on him before Grady and I take a turn."

Keefe looked at Ro. "Do you hear this? Don't you have something to say about the way your charge is being threatened?"

Ro shrugged. "They won't kill you. Besides, I'm totally team Blondie."

"So am I," Keefe agreed. "But I think that's enough bodyguard bonding time. Foster, how about we ditch them and go do something fun?"

"I go where she goes," Sandor cut in, following as Keefe led Sophie through the pastures to where Grady and Edaline were finishing up giving Verdi a bath.

"Things have been calm lately," Keefe argued. "After we caught my mom and the Council tightened security at Fintan's prison to make sure he couldn't escape. Plus Ruy is still hiding because Tammy Boy messed up his ability, and we'd love nothing more than to run into Gethen and catch him."

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