Ro: Part 1 (Keefe POV)

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A/N: the next four chapters chronicle Keefe's POV of the "Ro" arc from my main story.

Keefe was in the pastures training with Grady when the ground rumbled and Bo climbed out, churning the earth.

"I need to speak with you," Bo said to him. Keefe looked at Grady, who shrugged.

"Let's go inside," Grady told them.

Edaline, who had been trying to convince one of the newer creatures to eat some gnomish produce, quietly asking the gnomes to finish up without her so she could join them.

Before Bo could speak another word, Foster glittered into view and looked at the four of them with curious eyes.

In fact...Keefe could feel her curiosity even from several feet away.

It seemed his empathy was finally back in full force.

"Come," Bo said simply, heading into the house.

Foster looked at Keefe inquisitively, but he had no answers. "I don't know," he whispered, taking her hand as they walked through the door. "He just got here a couple of minutes ago, interrupted my training with Grady and was just saying he needed to tell me something when you showed up."

Bo lead them into the living room and then, in a very matter-of-fact tone, told Keefe, "Ro has been found."

Keefe eyed Bo suspiciously. "I can't really read your emotions. You don't seem particularly happy or particularly upset. So please just tell me the rest."

Bo shrugged. "It seems she finally caught up with Cadfael and his band of rebels. But stopping him wasn't as easy as she thought it would be. Our people found her today, unconscious and badly beaten. She's been taken home for medical attention, but they don't know if she can survive the nature and extent of her injuries."


Please, no.

Keefe and Foster both sank down onto the couch, dazed. Keefe was only dimly aware of Grady placing a steadying hand on his shoulder.

Not Ro.

The only thing that made life at the Shores of Solace bearable was having Ro with him.

Sometimes she was annoying, but even then, it was her fierce loyalty to him and her insistence that he not give up on Foster that was annoying.

Loyalty so fierce it was annoying was a new thing for Keefe, and even in the most frustrating moments, he appreciated Ro more than she knew.

And now he may never get the chance to tell her.

He looked at Foster, and saw the pain and worry in her eyes as plainly as he felt them coming off her in waves.

But her presence gave him the strength to look up at Bo. "I'd like to go see her."

Foster squeezed his hand. "WE would like to go see her."

Oh, he loved this girl so much.

But Bo shook his head. "No. You haven't been given permission to enter the city. I will pass along your wish, but I don't know if it will be granted. And even if it is, it may not be in time. But she's not awake anyway, she won't know you're there. I'm only telling you because she's your bodyguard and you've been waiting for her to return to her assignment."

Keefe felt his fury rise up in an instant. How could Bo be so callous? "You're her husband! How can you stand there and tell us she's dying and not seem to even care?"

"I won't discuss this with you any further," Bo said darkly. "Someone will keep you updated on her condition and let you know if you will be given permission to visit." And with that, he was gone.

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