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Sophie ended up showing Keefe the first Harry Potter movie, after explaining that he wouldn't see any elves until the second one.

Then they watched the second movie, and Keefe was deeply amused—and perhaps a bit appalled, too—at the subservient nature of the house elves. He also, naturally, thought the Weasley twins were funny.

She explained that the issue of house elves was further addressed in later books, but less so in the movies.

And also told him that Fred and George were actually a lot like him, but again, he'd see less of that in the movies than in the books.

And then had to launch into a 'the book is always better' explanation, detailing how movies can't possibly articulate the story at the same depth as the books.

Then she had to explain that not every movie was based on a book.

And then had to try to explain Christmas.

She was doing a lot of explaining.

Keefe couldn't believe that humans were as divided as they were. Apart from the countless different languages, they all also had their own cultures, and different holidays based on religion or important dates for their country. He was amazed that Christmas was religious for some but not for others, and not celebrated at all by others still.

So naturally, she asked him how his time hiding in the Forbidden Cities hadn't taught him more about humans.

He pointed out that it did, in some respects, but that he'd mostly been in London and only saw that culture for any length of time, and spent most of it hiding in his hotel room. And when he did go out, he wasn't exactly broadcasting the fact that he didn't know anything about human cultures.

And Sophie supposed she'd been too busy acclimating to being an elf to properly educate her friends on life as a human.

So they began making a list of Christmas movies they should watch.

There were countless Christmas movies with elves, so she tried to narrow it down to some of her favorites.

And as she mused over it, she realized something.

"I think we should start with 'Elf'," she told Keefe. "That one—"

"It's actually called 'Elf'?" Keefe interrupted. He smirked. "That's fantastic."

Sophie rolled her eyes. "Yes, and it's about a human who ends up being raised by elves and thinks he's an elf until they finally tell him the truth. Then he goes back to the human world and has to try to learn how to act like a human."

Keefe stared at her. "It' you, but in reverse," he said after a moment.

"I was just thinking that too, although...I don't think I'm much like Buddy. If anything his personality is more like yours."

"His name is Buddy? Foster!! You have been holding out on me. We must watch this movie now!" Keefe was so excited, and so earnest, that Sophie couldn't help but oblige him.

And he loved it.

"I can't believe it took you this long to show me this movie, Foster! How long have we been friends?!"

She couldn't stop the giggle that escaped her lips. His enthusiasm was infectious. "I really hadn't thought about it. Most of our friends don't seem that interested in human stuff."

Keefe thought about that for a minute. "You know, I may not have been a couple of years ago. But the more I've gotten to know you, the more I've wondered how different your life was before you came here. We used to laugh at you when things that are so basic to our way of life would be completely foreign to you. But then when I was in the Forbidden Cities, I understood you a little better. It's overwhelming to be thrown into a completely different world like that."

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