Biana Dizznee (Biana POV)

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After going to bed early and spending who knew how long tossing and turning--too busy daydreaming of Dex to be able to fall asleep quickly--Biana finally managed a few hours of sleep.

And then...the sun was up and it was her wedding day.

Today, Biana Vacker would become Biana Dizznee.

She couldn't wait.

She bounded down the stairs to eat a quick breakfast with her family. It was bittersweet, knowing this was the last time it would be the four of them in this house together like this.

But she wasn't really losing anything, and she was gaining everything.

She took just a moment to remember Alvar and wish things had been different with him. She wished so badly that he could be there at her wedding, healthy and happy and fighting on the right side.

The four of them leapt together to Rimeshire, so that Biana and Della would have plenty of time to get ready, and Fitz and Alden could help Juline and Kesler with the setup.

The triplets were already arguing--Bex and Lex especially--and Fitz looked downright alarmed.

"Um...suddenly I'm wishing I was needed inside after all. You sure I don't need a makeover?"

Biana laughed. "And risk Linh not recognizing you when she gets here? Don't worry, you'll be fine."

Juline had set aside one of the guest rooms for Della, Biana and Sophie to use to get ready. Sophie was due a little bit later, and Biana wasted no time laying out her multiple beauty products and getting to work on her makeup.

By the time she'd finished and started on her hair, her mom was finishing up. And right on time, Sophie walked through the door, bed head and all.

But the smile Sophie flashed at both of them was so beautiful that the messy hair didn't matter.

Biana was so excited that her best friend would be by her side today.

"You both look amazing," Sophie told them.

Biana beamed. "Just wait until I get into my dress!"

While Biana finished her own look, her mom helped Sophie tame her wild hair before doing Sophie's makeup.

"Can you do me one favor?" Sophie asked Della. "Can you not tell Keefe how many hair elixirs and hair products it took to get my hair under control today? He was teasing me about it this morning."

Biana, who had just finished her work on herself, couldn't help but grin. Good old Keefe.

Her mom must've been thinking along the same lines, and laughed. "Keefe wouldn't know what to do if he wasn't cracking jokes. He's been that way as long as we've known him."

By the time they finished hair and makeup, it was time for a quick lunch and then time to get into their dresses.

Sophie's dress was a flowy, off-the-shoulder gown with a sweetheart neckline. Biana had chosen to put Sophie in a deep red gown embroidered with golden thread, insisting that red was her best color and the gold would accentuate her eyes. Not to mention she knew that Keefe also loved seeing his wife in red. He'd go crazy when he saw her in that dress.

Biana felt like she was living in a sort of dream-like state as she slipped into her wedding gown. A halter style with a deep v-neckline, it was white but accented all along the very full skirt with gems that they'd had dyed the precise shade of periwinkle blue to match Dex's eyes.

She turned to Sophie. "What do you think?" she asked.

Tears filled Sophie's eyes. "Biana, I have no words," she said quietly.

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