Kidnapped: part 2 (Keefe POV)

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Mr. Forkle's plan was similar to what they had done the last time—the dwarves were searching, exploring, listening.

He'd reached out to Queen Nubiti, who immediately agreed to participate in the search as Sophie's former bodyguard.

Keefe was trying to keep it together, but he was coming apart at the seams.

If something happened to Sophie it was his fault, all his fault.

Because it was his mom that took her.

Took her in order to try to force Keefe to comply.

He'd thought he was ready for anything. He'd even told Sophie as much.

But not this.

He was only ready to handle anything as long as she was by his side.

He still had Sophie's dagger, and had his commanding ability ready to go.

The moment he found his mom, he could fix this.

Command her to sleep—even if it meant everyone falling asleep—and then the dagger could end this.

Then if everyone had fallen asleep from his command, he could wake them.

And it would be over.

And Sophie would be safe.

Though he trembled slightly when he thought about using that dagger.

"Mr. Sencen, are you with us?" Mr. Forkle's voice cut through Keefe's spiraling thoughts and plans.

And at the same time, he felt hands grabbing hold of his.

"You're pulling your hair out."

Keefe looked up to see Edaline, pale with dark circles under her eyes, holding both his hands in her own.

And he did seem to have pulled out some of his hair. He hadn't even realize he'd been clutching his own hair while he sat there and stewed.

Everyone was gathered at Havenfield, keeping some sort of vigil while they planned and waited and hoped.

Fitz and Mr. Forkle had both tried reaching out to Sophie telepathically, but hadn't reached her. She hadn't reached out to any of them either.

But the dwarves were searching and they were brainstorming places to look.

They knew Gisela would reach out eventually, offer a trade, Sophie for Keefe.

But had no idea what she might be doing to Sophie in the meantime.

And the thought had already sent Keefe rushing outside once to be sick.

Edaline looked terrified and exhausted, as did Grady beside her.

He knew this must be just as awful for them as it was for him...if not even more so.

"Sorry," he told everyone in a quiet voice. "Just...thinking."

"You'd better not be thinking again about surrendering yourself," Grady said in a sharp voice. "We won't allow it. And..." He knelt down beside Keefe, forcing him to look Grady in the eyes. "Sophie wouldn't...won't want that either."

Keefe would have been touched by Grady's concern for him if he were currently capable of feeling anything other than terror and rage.

"He's not," Fitz cut in. "He's just planning on what to do when we find them. Planning how to stop his mom." Fitz shuddered a little.

Keefe glared at Fitz, frustrated that he wasn't being given the courtesy of being alone with his thoughts.

Besides. Surrendering himself would absolutely remain a contingency plan if nothing else was working.

No it won't, Fitz's voice filled his head.

Get out of my head! Keefe knew his mental voice was angry, bitter, hateful even.

But Fitz didn't take the bait.

Only when we know you're not going to do something reckless. And I'm not monitoring every thought all the time, just...checking in periodically. I don't like it, Keefe. I would prefer to give you your privacy. And...I haven't told them about all the guilt your thoughts have been dwelling on. But it's dangerous, Keefe. Please don't blame yourself. We can't control what your mom does and it's not your fault. But if your mind breaks...we can't lose you. I can't lose you.

Keefe's glare softened. I understand, and I hope it doesn't come to me surrendering myself. But I will do what it takes to save her. And letting guilt break me is not part of the game plan.

She won't thank you for securing her freedom by sacrificing yours.

She won't thank me for letting my mom kill her, either.

Both boys winced at the thought.

"What worries me," Fitz said aloud, "is the fact that we haven't heard from her. When she and Dex were kidnapped, she was transmitting to me despite being drugged. She's older now and more trained, her mind is stronger. Why haven't any of us heard from her?"

Dex paled at the memory, and Biana—who sat closest—reached out briefly to squeeze Dex's hand, tears running down her face.

Mr. Forkle dragged a hand down his face. "The only thing I can guess is that she is being kept more heavily sedated. I think we should all feel very grateful, now, that Miss Foster burned down the Neverseen's storehouse. We are fairly confident that she destroyed their entire supply of soporidine."

"Well that's something, I guess," Biana said uncertainly. "And if she's that heavily sedated, they're probably not hurting her, right?"

"I imagine Gisela wouldn't harm Sophie at this stage," Tiergan agreed.

"No, she'll save that for later," Keefe said, his voice shaking from anger as he realized the truth. "Mommy Dearest will want to make sure I can see what she's doing to Sophie because she knows I'd do anything to make it stop."

Edaline let out a small sob and Grady wrapped his arms around her. "We'll get her back, Eda," he whispered, trembling but sounding confident. He looked up at Keefe, who nodded.

"Whatever it takes," Keefe said.

By the way, Fitz transmitted to Keefe, I kind of had to tell them about you and Sophie. I filled them in on what happened with Elysian, all of it. And I tried to leave the two of you out of it, but then your mom is involved and seems to know about your feelings for Sophie. So, I did explain that Sophie had informed me during our Inquisition that the two of you had admitted feelings for each other and were discussing a change in your relationship. But I left it at that. Sophie told me you kissed but I kept that to myself.

Keefe nodded once but said nothing aloud.

"What do we do now?" Dex asked. He was visibly shaking.

He knew better than most of them what it was like to be abducted.

"Now," Keefe said, "we come up with a real battle plan. And then I hail my mom and offer a trade."

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