Alternate Ending: Nightfall 74

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Probably my most requested one-shot...hope you all enjoy!

Goose bumps erupted across Sophie's arms and she rubbed them to calm the chill.

Keefe did the same, which made her realize...

"Is it harder to be around me?" she asked. "Since my emotions are stronger?"

His lips tugged into a smile. "Don't worry, you're worth it."

"Ugh--why didn't you tell me?" She stood, moving toward the door, trying to put as much space between them as she could.

He laughed. "Trust me, a few feet doesn't make a difference."

"Then you should stay away from me," she told him.

"Now you're being ridiculous."

He strode over to her, and she tried to back away but crashed into the wall.

"I'm serious, Keefe."

"Oh, I know. But you're forgetting something, Foster."

He was close enough to reach out and gently tuck her hair behind her ear as he leaned in to whisper, "I like a challenge."

His breath tickled her skin, and her stomach filled with fluttery things.

"Speechless again?" he asked, grinning as he leaned in to whisper, "You know, there's really only one reason that would keep happening. It must be your unspoken feelings for me."

He couldn't be serious, could he? Surely he was just teasing her like he always did.

Keefe brought a hand to her cheek. "I'm tired of playing nice," he murmured.

Sophie was trying to process the fiery look in his ice blue eyes.

Fire and ice.

"What does that m—"

And then he kissed her.

Sophie could register nothing but shock.

Shocked that the conversation had taken this turn. Shocked that Keefe was kissing her—did he like her? Surely he didn't like her? Wouldn't she have noticed if he had feelings for her? Dex's had been only too obvious.

And shocked to realize she was kissing him back.

And that she liked it.

Maybe shock wasn't her only emotion after all.

Those flutters she always felt when Keefe came close were having a field day. 

She felt hyper aware of everything. The touch of his hand on her cheek. The completely new sensation of his lips, impossibly warm and inviting, moving against her own. The sound of his breath increasing as she responded so enthusiastically to the kiss. The way her heart was beating so loud and so fast she knew Keefe must be able to hear it too.

And the distinct flicker of disappointment she felt when he pulled away.

He smiled softly at her and took both of her hands in his own. "What it means is that I'm officially throwing my hat in the ring."

"I..." Sophie was still in shock. "I didn't realize...I had no idea."

Keefe chuckled. "Yeah, believe me, I know."

Sophie studied his face. "How long?"

"Always," he told her. "I mean...from the moment we met. And the longer I've known you, the stronger it's gotten."

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