Father: part 7

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A/N: Not to confuse things, but these next two chapters are going back to my original "Elwin is Sophie's father" story arc. I had a few requests to add another chapter since the reveal was so hard on Sophie--AND on Elwin--in that arc and I left it open-ended. And one more chapter turned into two.

It had been a couple of weeks since Sophie had discovered the truth: Elwin was her biological father.

She'd been avoiding him ever since.

Trying very hard to avoid any injuries so she wouldn't have to go to the Healing Center.

Keefe had been extraordinary. She had come to him with everything. Every concern, every dark thought, every memory that was now clouded with confusion and pain.

He'd supported her, encouraged her, and even at times admonished her when she let bitterness darken the way she spoke of Elwin.

Always understanding, but also trying to help her come to terms with it. Trying to help her not only be okay, but to forgive.

Like they both knew she intended to do.

One day, as they sat in her room at the end of another school day, Sophie was looking through her old scrapbook from her human life. She'd been taking Keefe through the album, picture by picture, sharing memories and trying to paint an accurate word picture of what life had been like for her in the Forbidden Cities--the good and the bad.

The way her mom had been a wonderful cook--despite Keefe's obvious disgust at the fact that they'd eaten meat.

The way her dad had lovingly called her 'soybean', and how she had later discovered that they'd mistaken her word 'suldreen' as 'soybean' and thought she was trying to say her name. How that nickname had annoyed her at times, but now she'd give almost anything to hear him call her that again.

The way she knew without any doubt that they loved her, but also had to endure every negative thought they had, every worry, every moment of stress over their daughter who was clearly not normal.

The way Amy had been incredibly annoying back then, but now Sophie was eternally grateful that Amy, at least, still remembered her.

And how desperately she missed all three of them.

Keefe had been with her the day her parents' memories of her had been irrevocably erased. He knew how painful it had been for her to witness.

How painful it still was.

And he seemed to understand why she was letting herself wallow in those memories now.

Finally, she closed the book and looked up at him.

"I think...I think I need to talk to Elwin soon."

He smiled softly at her. "You think you're ready?"

She shrugged. "I may never be really ready, but...I don't know. I don't miss being injured enough to need the Healing Center, but...avoiding him is very different than just not needing a physician's help. Does that make sense?"

"I think so. You're saying that it's harder not seeing him when you know you're avoiding him than it would be if you just simply...hadn't seen him in a while."

She nodded. "Before, we'd have probably stopped by the Healing Center during lunch or after study hall just to say hi. We were so used to needing his help all the time, and things are calm now--at least temporarily--so I feel like I would've gone by just to say hi. But instead I've been doing my very best to stay far away."

"So what you're saying is...you've realized you miss him?"

"I think so. Especially since the last time I saw him...well, if he really cares as much as Mr. Forkle says--"

"And you know he does," Keefe reminded her.

"Well then, it's probably been a hard couple of weeks for him."

"I'm sure it has," Keefe agreed. "And as much as I want you and Elwin to reconcile, I want to make sure you are ready. You don't have to feel responsible for Elwin's feelings. He knew the risk of getting involved in your life."

"I know. It's not just guilt or pity. It's just that I actually care. He's probably feeling bad, and that matters to me. Even if part of me wishes it didn't. And maybe that part of me would be calmed down if I just talked to him about it."

Keefe leaned in and kissed her forehead. "Whenever you're ready. I can go with you, or I can give you privacy."

"I'm as ready as I'll ever be," she admitted. "I wonder if he's home. And if you really wouldn't mind—I know it'll be emotional—I'd rather have you there." He made her strong.

She needed that.

His lips tugged into that smirk she knew and loved so much. "Don't worry," he assured her. "You're worth it."

Keefe pulled out his Imparter and hailed Elwin, asking if they could come visit. Sophie stayed carefully out of sight, not wanting to see Elwin until he was actually right in front of her.

A little bit afraid she'd chicken out.

Elwin immediately agreed, and Sophie thought she could detect a slight change in his tone of voice. She tried not to think too much about it.

Then she quickly went down to find her parents and let them know, not where they were going, but that they were going out for a while.

She still wasn't sure about revealing the big who to Grady and Edaline, and they were choosing to respect the Black Swan's request for discretion. Sophie had a feeling they weren't entirely sure they wanted to know.

So all too soon, Sophie and Keefe had leapt to Splendor Plains.

Sophie felt like she might be sick. But she also felt determined to see this through.

Keefe stopped her before they could knock on the door. "I'm right here with you, Foster--feeling everything you're feeling, by the way, so try not to make us vomit--right here every step of the way." He squeezed her hand and gave her a reassuring smile.

Sophie gave him a small smile in spite of herself. "That was almost very, very sweet," she said with a quiet laugh.

"That's what I'm here for," he said with a smirk before ringing the bell.

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