Legacy 4: part 1 (Keefe POV)

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Keefe could tell Foster was skeptical of his ability to find this mystery human to whom he'd delivered the letter. When he shared how he'd already come up with a plan—involving Dex—he could feel how much it stung.

With all of her tendency to do everything herself and not involve the people who cared about her, she got upset when they did the same to her.

But he pointed out, truthfully, that he hadn't heard from her in over a week.

And neither had Fitz.

She was trying not to be hurt by it, and clearly was after a distraction.

She reached out and snatched his brown notebook, still a little irritated.

Keefe cringed, but didn't stop her.

At least she hadn't tried to take the gold one.

He wasn't convinced he wouldn't have wrestled it out of her grasp if she had.

And as she opened the notebook, her hurt and irritation almost instantly gave way to wonder and awe.

He loved seeing and feeling her appreciation for his artwork.

All the same, he was also extremely grateful that most of his memories with her were in the gold journal instead of the brown one.

Picture after picture of her probably would've been a dead giveaway that even the Great Foster Oblivion wouldn't have withstood.

He had chosen to place the moment he and Foster met in the brown journal, but figured it would be okay if she saw that.

It was totally fine to draw meeting one of your best friends as a happy memory, right?

Not at all suspicious.

He'd drawn him hanging out with Fitz and Biana, after all.

But when she reached that page, he could tell she wasn't sure what she was seeing. He hadn't drawn enough of it yet for their figures to be obvious.

"I haven't spent as much time on my happy memories," he told her quietly, "since they never have my mom in them, so they're not as important, you know?"

Foster was probably the only person he could so easily admit that to.

And he felt how deeply those words affected her.

And he loved her for it.

But she didn't say anything. Didn't pity him or try to make excuses for his underwhelming parents or draw any unnecessary attention to it.

And he loved her for that, too.

She looked like she might hand the notebook back, but then she saw the painting in the back.

She looked surprised and confused at first, and even though he wasn't a Telepath, he could practically hear her thoughts wonder why this was a happy memory.

Then he saw her eyes flick down to where he'd copied out her words.

'Lots of people care about you, Keefe.'

It was a little embarrassing for her to know how deeply this had touched him—even though he knew she'd picked up on it at the time too.

But how few times in his life he'd heard anyone express that they cared about him...

Not once, not ever, until he started hanging around the Vackers more.

Something he now knew was intentional on Alden's part. Alden had cared enough to give Keefe another family, and Keefe and Fitz's friendship—already growing even without Alden's meddling—had taken off quickly as a result of Alden's kindness.

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