Flashback 21:part 1 (Keefe POV)

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It was strange, being able to feel what Foster and Fitz were both feeling, but not being certain what they were seeing. Keefe assumed once they fixated on a memory he'd be able to see it, but couldn't see their path as they pushed through his mind.

But he felt some curiosity, and knew they were being tempted by the gold memories.

He just hoped they didn't notice that Foster's face featured in several of them.

Then Fitz's voice filled his mind. It's hard to ignore the gold, huh?

Yeah, Foster's voice agreed--and suddenly Keefe felt shame coming from her.

She'd been tempted.

She'd almost certainly seen her own face.


Keefe was being careful not to form coherent thoughts, so they wouldn't hear them.

He wasn't entirely sure they knew he could hear them.

I always forget how vivid his mind is, she added. It's...disorienting.

It is. Though it's still way less intense than yours.

Keefe felt Foster's flutters at that.


They began discussing what her memories looked like. But after a moment, Fitz brought them back to the task at hand, and said they should focus on memories that had Keefe's mom in them.

Yeah, Foster agreed, we probably should've told Keefe to think about her before we dived in, so those would already be at the front of his mind.

I can do that now if you want, Keefe offered up.

He was right in assuming they didn't know he could hear them. They both seemed to nearly have heart attacks.

You can hear us? Fitz asked.

Yep. AND feel what you're feeling. So we're all learning fun new stuff about each other today!

Great. Keefe could hear Fitz's sarcasm.

Can you try concentrating on your mom? Foster asked.

He thought of his mom, not sure whether to focus on specific memories or just picture her, her face, her demeanor.

It seemed to be working.

I'm going to have nightmares about this forever, Fitz told them.

Same. Foster seemed equally disconcerted by whatever they were experiencing.

And as he heard several unpleasant things in his mom's voice--things like "disappointment" and "waste"--Keefe chimed in. Good old mom. Then even more memories seemed to be flooding through his mind the more he thought about her. Ready to take a journey into my awesome childhood?

Are you? Foster asked him.


Not. at. all.

Thankfully, they seemed to only be paying attention to the thoughts he intentionally shared--the ones in the back of his mind stayed private.

YEP! Like I said, it's gonna be a party! Just don't make it a pity party, okay?

Pity made his darkest moments so much harder to withstand.

Is that why some of these memories are gold? Fitz asked. You think they'll make us feel sorry for you?

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