Alternate Ending: Neverseen 57

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Back in their giant treehouse, Sophie rushed up to her room to grab Gisela's note and brought it down to Fitz.

"I'm going to try to get him to talk to me," Fitz told her, "but even if he won't, I can slide it under his door."

Sophie nodded, tears still streaming down her face. She felt awful. She should've shared everything with Keefe right away. Instead, she'd held back, and added to his pain by making him feel betrayed.

And she was afraid he wouldn't forgive her.

At least...she figured he'd eventually forgive her, but was afraid their friendship had been forever altered. What if this was the last straw? The last several weeks had been very hard on him, and she'd just made it worse. Would he trust her again? Would this blow over? Would he calm down and understand that she had been trying to help him, to protect him? Or would he push her away?

She wasn't sure she could handle that. In the time she'd known Keefe, he'd managed to become one of her very favorite people. She needed him. And she knew he needed her too.

"Hey," Fitz said soothingly, reaching out and pulling her in for a hug. "It's going to be okay. He's mostly upset about other stuff. He knocked sense into me when I...well, when I blamed you for my dad's sanity shattering. And I'll knock some sense into him for this." He gave her a half smile as he pulled away. "And Keefe is more even-tempered than I am. He'll come around, you'll see."

"I hope so," Sophie whispered.

But when Fitz flashed her his most perfect smile, and assured her again that everything would be okay, she felt a barrage of flutters, and she believed him.

Until they said goodnight and she went back to her room. Then, cold reality set in again.

Keefe had refused her hand, twice. He'd looked at her he didn't even know her anymore. And he had to have felt her regret and concern and fear and sadness...and he ignored it. He kept walking away.

She didn't blame him. She blamed herself.

She sank onto her bed, not ready to even try to go to sleep. So she cried, and she hoped, and she tried to think of what to say to him tomorrow to try to smooth things over.

But she wasn't sure she could wait that long.

And it looked like Keefe's light was still on.

So she grabbed a pair of spiky-heeled shoes she knew she'd never wear, and opened her window, throwing the shoes at Keefe's window.

But he didn't appear.

She tried again.

Still nothing.

Fresh tears started rolling down her cheeks. He was ignoring her.

Just then, there was a knock at her door.

Hopeful, she went to answer it. But it was just Calla.

"Come downstairs with me," Calla said gently. "Someone wants to speak with you."

Calla led her back down to their main living area, where--thankfully--Keefe stood, his hands in his pockets, waiting for her.

His face was still a hard mask, but when he saw her, his expression softened to something more like pity.

Calla disappeared into the shadows, singing softly.

"Keefe--" Sophie began.

But Keefe shook his head and strode over to her. He enveloped her in a tight hug.

Sophie wasn't sure how long they stood there, the occasional tear still leaking out of her eyes, but she knew it was making her feel better--surely this meant she wasn't losing him after all--and hoped it was making him feel a little better, too.

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