Alternate Ending: Father (bonus part 3)

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A/N: After reading the series again, I am more convinced than ever that Tiergan is Sophie's genetic father. I decided to write one more chapter in the father arc, allowing them to talk about it. I will also be posting another "chapter" today detailing my reasons for my theory. Some of them made their way into this chapter, but not all of them.

"You don't have to do this yet if you don't want to," Keefe whispered to Sophie.

They were in the cafeteria, and she was too queasy to eat the food she'd selected. Keefe was trying to convince her to eat anyway—even though he could feel just how nauseated she was.

We should probably discuss it telepathically, she transmitted to him, making sure she had his permission before opening her mind to his thoughts. And yes, I really need to do this now. Magnate Leto has been very kind to fill in for him the last couple of weeks, but Fitz and I both miss working with Tiergan in our sessions, and he can't get away with pretending he's away on Black Swan business much longer.

I know, Keefe responded, taking her hand under the table. I'm just worried about you. And also frustrated that it'll be during your session so I can't be with you.

It would be nice to have you there, she agreed. But it'll be okay.

Are you sure you wouldn't rather Fitz be there too, instead of pretending to be sick and hiding in the Healing Center?

Sophie shook her head. No. I'd rather it just be me and Tiergan, since you won't be there.

"Hello? Earth to Sophie! And Keefe! What are you guys not-so-covertly discussing over there?" Biana's voice cut through their conversation, catching their attention.

Sophie closed the connection and blinked as she looked toward Biana. "Oh, um..."

Fitz cleared his throat as he rolled his eyes. "If they're being kind enough to keep their flirting to a telepathic conversation rather than subjecting us to it, I think we should all be grateful and not ask too many questions."  He flashed a grin at Keefe.

Thankfully, no one pressed them on it, and soon it was time to head to afternoon sessions. Keefe gave her hand a quick squeeze before heading to the Level Six hall for Elvin History.

Thanks for that, Sophie transmitted to Fitz as they pretended to both be heading to telepathy.

No problem. Hang in there, Sophie.

Even after Keefe and Fitz's attempts at comforting her, Sophie's nausea levels definitely kicked it up a notch when she walked into the classroom and saw Tiergan waiting for her.

Her one small consolation was that Tiergan looked fairly nervous. He was fidgeting with his cape and the smile he gave her was more tense than usual.

Sophie came to sit across from him and placed her trembling hands in her lap.

She could do this. She could have an intelligent, calm conversation with Tiergan.

With her father.

"Why don't I begin?" Tiergan said after a moment. "I know this is hard for you. It's hard for me too."

Sophie snorted.

Oops. Not very intelligent or calm.

"No, really," Tiergan assured her. "Giving you up was much harder than I expected. Especially when I first saw you and knew I'd missed most of your childhood."

Sophie wanted to roll her eyes, but managed to refrain.

"I'm truly sorry it's caused you pain," he continued. "I assure you, it has been difficult not telling you the truth. I was so committed to the cause—so sure that Project Moonlark would be a game changer and happy to be an active, though silent, part of it. But then you actually showed up..." he closed his eyes for a moment, looking pained. "The first time I saw you—even though I knew we were pushing up the timeline and bringing you in—it was all I could do to keep my composure. And when I realized that you thought we, the Black Swan, might be the enemy...might have created you to be bad...and that your genetic parents must've wanted nothing to do with you..." he shuddered. "That was incredibly painful to hear. Partly because I hated knowing that you felt that way, but also because I knew you thought I hadn't wanted you--even though you didn't know it was me. I never wanted you to feel unwanted or unloved."

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