Lodestar 70 (Keefe POV)

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Keefe was doing some skill training with Alvar when Ruy interrupted.

"Time to go! Looks like someone has entered one of our hideouts, and no one should be there right now."

"So it's probably not one of our people then," Alvar noted as they followed Ruy out of the room.

"Obviously," Brant sneered as he joined them. "And as such, Fintan wants us to investigate."

Keefe said nothing, following their lead, but was silently begging the void please don't let it be Sophie.

He didn't want her anywhere near any of the Neverseen ever again.

But of course, Keefe rarely got what he wanted.

Sophie was there, alongside Fitz and Tam.

He was filled with dread as he looked at her—and saw the moment when she realized that he was there too.

And felt the nauseating wave of panic she sent his way.

He hoped she wouldn't let concern for him keep her from doing whatever she needed to fight her way out of there.

She mattered. He didn't.

"You?" She breathed, looking at him.

Ruy trapped Fitz and Tam in a shield before they could attack, and was about to trap Foster too when Brant stopped him—even after Ruy reminded him that she could inflict on them.

"But she won't," Brant told him confidently. He grabbed Keefe and dragged him closer, holding flames just under his face. Keefe's fear heightened as he wondered what kind of torture he was about to face. "She still cares about this one. And she knows I'll melt his face off if she misbehaves."

No, Keefe thought desperately. Don't let that stop you, Foster. I. Don't. Matter.

"He's one of us!" Alvar shouted.

"That's still up for debate. But he can prove it now." Brant moved his flame-fingers closer to Keefe's throat as he used his still-functioning hand to retrieve a Ruewen crest pin. "I think I've held on to the past long enough, don't you?" He asked Foster in a taunting voice.

He shoved Keefe closer to Foster and held the pin into the flames.

Before Keefe knew what was happening, he pressed the red-hot brand into Keefe's palm.

He knew one second of relief that Brant hadn't attacked Sophie before the searing pain made him thrash and scream. He gritted his teeth, trying not to show just how badly it hurt. He could feel Foster's terror as she watched him.

And he knew the terror was just as much for him as it was for herself.

"Now," Brant told Keefe, finally removing the pin. "Show her that same pain. And in case you're having trouble following along, Sophie, here's how this is going to work. You tell us where you're keeping Wylie, and I'll have lover boy here put the scars somewhere only you can see them. Try to resist, and he'll give you the same makeover you gave me. And if you fight me," he added, looking at Keefe again, "I'll melt off parts of your body one by one. Starting with your fingers."

Panic blurred Keefe's vision and almost eclipsed the pain in his hand.

Lover boy?

How did Brant know about his feelings for her?

But Keefe had meant what he'd said about there being hard lines he wouldn't cross.

He would not have burned Tam, much less Foster.

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