Panic (Keefe POV)

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A/N: A Keefe POV from my main story.

Keefe had known immediately that something was very wrong.

The looks on Sophie and Fitz's faces were very grim, even before Sophie's emotions accosted him.

He had a horrible sense memory. It wasn't quite as bad as that first time, but it was close.

The fear, the panic, and the despair she felt were as strong as they were that day, years ago, when he'd seen her at the Foxfire Leapmasters. The day she'd leapt home only to be kidnapped and tortured.

There was no loneliness this time, but otherwise it felt very similar.

Fitz wordlessly placed a hand on his shoulder, showing him that Sophie wasn't alone in feeling that way.

But nothing could have prepared him for the news they shared.

It was bad enough that the Council was ordering his mom's memory break.

Why? After all this time, why now?

And why would they ask his best friend and his wife to do it?

He knew they were the best.

But it sucked.

But Keefe couldn't think about that now.

He was too worried about Sophie and Fitz.

After sharing the bad news, Fitz stood to leave.

But before leaping away, he transmitted to Keefe.

I'm sure you can feel Sophie's emotions, so you don't need me to tell you this, but she freaked out when Tiergan gave us this assignment. I'm not happy about it either, but...I don't know. I don't think she's okay. Just let me know if you guys need anything.

I will. Thanks.

Sophie even tried to get Oralie's help, but all Oralie could do was offer to be there when it happened. She had also told them that his dad had been informed, and had been upset that Sophie and Fitz were the ones that would be performing the break.

Oralie seemed to think Cassius was worried about Keefe.

As if.

After Oralie left, Keefe turned to Sophie, determined to ease that panic that was so intense it was almost choking her.

Thereby almost choking him, too.

Why was she this panicked?

Dread and frustration he could understand.

But what had her so scared?

So scared she wouldn't look him in the eye?

"Sophie, look at me." Keefe grabbed her face in his hands. "Sophie." Finally, she looked at him. "I hate this panic I'm feeling from you," he whispered. "I promise, it's not worth it. She's not worth it. Are you afraid she'll hurt you somehow? I promise, this isn't like that nightmare you had."

"I know it isn't. But..."

She went quiet. He could tell she was thinking hard, trying to put her finger on what was wrong.

Her emotions were fluctuating, but seemed to be calming ever so slightly. Like she was talking herself down out of her panic.

After a moment, she shook her head, took a deep breath and gave Keefe a small smile. "I'm just...freaked out. This will be hard for you, which will be hard for me. I think I'm not being very rational right now."  

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