Wedding (Keefe POV)

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A/N: Keefe's POV of his and Sophie's wedding from my main story

"What did Grady want?" Fitz asked Keefe as they walked outside.

"To tell me if I hurt Sophie he'd Mesmer me to jump off that cliff," Keefe said with a smirk.

Fitz snorted. "He did not."

Keefe shrugged. "Just mushy father-son stuff," he said proudly.

He was getting a dad worth having.

He stole a glance at Fitz's face and could see his pleased smile, so he knew Fitz must be thinking along the same lines.

Their friends were all there, as well as their bodyguards and their families and pretty much everyone they'd ever known.

Even as excited and jittery as he was, Keefe did not fail to notice the way Fitz's eyes found Linh very quickly, and lingered longer than necessary.

Oh yeah, nothing there at all.

But as they took their place at the front of the aisle next to Councillor Terik, Keefe's thoughts turned back to Sophie. He couldn't wait to see her.

And right on cue, music began to swell. Biana began walking down the aisle, looking poised and happy.

Keefe looked at Dex, who was sitting close to the front with the family. Dex didn't take his eyes off Biana for a second. Keefe briefly wondered if Dex would even spare a glance for Sophie when she appeared, but then she and Grady did appear, and Keefe's thoughts could contain nothing but her.

She looked...unbelievably, almost painfully beautiful.

He'd worried Biana would go overboard on the makeup, but she'd done it just right. Sophie looked like her same beautiful self, but with a bit more color on her lips and much fancier hair and a white wedding dress that clung to her and accentuated her beauty.

She looked like a bride.

And her eyes were locked on to him as she and Grady made their way slowly down the aisle toward him.

Nothing was real to him in that moment but her. The sight of her walking down that aisle toward him would forever be one of the very happiest memories of his life.

He had to remind himself to breathe as he stared at her, captivated. He felt joyful tears stinging his eyes as he stood there, his bride coming ever closer, staring at him with the same intensity he felt.

How could he have gotten this lucky?

When they reached him, Grady leaned in and kissed her cheek before letting go of her. Keefe forced himself to look away from her long enough to smile gratefully at Grady--at his new dad--before taking both of Sophie's hands in his own. "Wow," he breathed, looking at her in wonder.

Her emotions matched his own. "You look pretty 'wow' yourself," she whispered with a smile. "Now...we going to get married?"


The ceremony was perfect. He barely made it through his vows, feeling very emotional as he promised to love her with everything he had for the rest of eternity.

And before he knew it, they were kissing under the archway, to the applause of all their loved ones.

He made himself look away from her as they turned to face the crowd and began walking back up the aisle. But he just had to lean in and mutter, "did I tell you how beautiful you look, Foster?"

"The way you're looking at me says it for you," she teased. "And maybe today you can call me Mrs. Sencen--at least sometimes."

Keefe stopped in his tracks. They were married. Sophie was his wife.

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