AU/AE: Stellarlune 37 (part 1)

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A/N: Please make sure you've read the author's note I wrote before this story arc before proceeding!

After ushering them into his hotel room--which was much larger than Sophie had assumed, it looked more like an apartment with multiple rooms--Keefe turned to survey them again.

They were all dripping rain water onto the carpet, and Sophie, at least, was shivering.

And trying very hard to keep her emotions at bay. Though the way Keefe was looking at her told her he could tell something had changed.

"I'd ask if you guys missed me, but I know Tammy Boy didn't, and I assume Dex did a little, and I can definitely feel how much Foster missed me," he smirked, beckoning them to follow him into another room. "I also assume you're here for a reason, so why don't you change into some dry clothes before we talk?"

"Oh, yes please," Dex agreed. Tam shrugged but looked like he'd love to be wearing dry clothes, even if he did have to borrow them from Keefe.

"Good, because Foster's practically turning blue."

He wasn't wrong, she was freezing.

Though his thoughtfulness made her feel just a little warmer.

Keefe glanced at her and quickly away again, looking slightly confused as he checked the clothes.

"Jeans are super uncomfortable, so I'll just grab some pajama pants and t-shirts. Foster, I'm sorry, they'll be a bit big on you, but if you don't mind wearing mens' pajama pants you'll be a lot warmer."

Keefe let Dex and Tam take turns using the bedroom to change, but showed Sophie to the bathroom.

Sophie changed as quickly as she could. She felt weird wearing human clothes again—especially since they were big on her. She had to really tighten the drawstring of the pants and the t-shirt was big and baggy. But at least she was warmer and didn't look like she'd been dunked in a lake.

Not much she could do about her hair though.

When she stepped back out, Keefe was holding out a laundry basket for her rain-soaked clothes. He stared at her for a second, for some reason flushing slightly at the sight of her wearing his pajamas.

He cleared his throat. "We can go to the laundry room and toss these in a dryer," he explained. "So when you leave again--" a spasm of pain crossed his face--"you'll have dry clothes."

She didn't want to leave.

Not unless he came back too.

He must've sensed her downward mood shift, because he set the basket down and stepped closer to her. "I've really missed you," he whispered.

And then, despite her best efforts, her heart began to race and she felt very fluttery as she whispered back, "I've really missed you too."

Keefe was looking at her with a hint of shock and hopeful disbelief on his face. "Sophie?"

"Okay, where's this laundry room?" Tam called out, disrupting the somewhat confusing moment they were having.

Keefe sighed and stepped back. Tam and Dex—looking strange in human clothes—were both heading over to dump their wet clothes into the basket.

"It's in the basement of the building. I could have the front desk come get it, I pay for laundry service, but elven clothes might attract their attention, so we'd better do it ourselves. Not that I know how. And I think you need human coins to put in the dryer to get it to work."

"I can handle that!" Dex said. "Human tech is pretty easy to manipulate."

"You need Foster to show you how to work a dryer?" Keefe asked, smirking at Sophie.

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