Dating (3 of 4)

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At Havenfield, Sophie got two big hugs from her parents, who told her how glad they were that Gisela had been caught—and how thankful they were that Keefe was okay.

But they could tell she was wiped out, so Edaline offered her a quick dinner and they both hugged her goodnight.

She rushed through a shower and climbed into bed, letting Iggy curl up on her pillow beside her.

She was really tempted to transmit to Keefe to check in, but figured he was either talking with Fitz, which she didn't want to interrupt, or sleeping, which she didn't want to disturb.

She also didn't want to think about the difficult days ahead, between Gisela's Tribunal and all of the unknowns surrounding what the rest of the Neverseen may still be planning.

So instead, she curled up and listened to the familiar sound of Iggy's loud snores as she replayed every word she and Keefe had shared in the clearing, remembering the kiss they'd shared there, and the brief one they'd just had in the Healing Center. Eventually, she fell asleep thinking of all the things she still needed to say to him.

When she woke the next morning, she leapt out of bed and raced to her closet.

She wished she had more red tunics. She'd really have to rectify that, though she felt silly when she imagined explaining to Edaline why she was shopping for more red clothing.

In lieu of red, Sophie put on a soft sleeveless tunic in a really pretty lavender color before picking out black leggings and simple flats to go on her feet.

She tried not to think too hard about the fact that she was suddenly concerned about her appearance when Keefe never really seemed to care that she rarely put forth that much effort.

Oh well. Maybe Biana was rubbing off on her a little.

She stepped in front of her mirror to brush her hair and maybe apply a little bit of lip gloss.

"Oh wow," Vertina told her. "You actually don't have circles under your eyes for once!"

Sophie rolled her eyes but didn't address it. Instead, she let Vertina walk her through a simple hairstyle—mostly just to keep the spectral mirror from going back to criticizing—then bounded down the stairs.

Grady and Edaline were finishing up breakfast and offered Sophie a sweetberry swirl.

"You look very pretty today in that lavender," Edaline noted.

" look nice," Grady agreed suspiciously. "Anything special going on today?"

That was one minefield Sophie was not ready to step into.

She didn't really want to tell them about Keefe until she and Keefe had a chance to talk about it.

Thankfully, she was spared the need to answer by the sound of the chimes announcing Keefe's arrival.

Grady's eyes narrowed as he looked at Sophie again.

Edaline gave her a knowing little wink.

She tried to pretend she didn't notice either as she offered Keefe a pastry.

"Nah, Elwin wouldn't let me leave until I ate something. But he says I'm perfectly fine, and Fitz said my mind seems to be coping just fine too."

"Good," Grady said. "Then you can help me out in the pastures today."

Sophie looked imploringly at Edaline.

"Grady, I think these two deserve a break after everything they've been through the last couple  of days. Why don't you two go do something fun today?" She smiled at Sophie. "Just let me know if you decide to leave Havenfield, okay?"

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