Blake Laid's Tactics

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Blake's POV

"You're sisters going to hate me if you're here all the time and never home." Aitana laughed as I walked through her door.

"Blair needs to branch out on her own. No Ona?" I looked around to see if we were alone. This will be nice.

"Yeah Ona got her own place actually. She'll still be around a lot but I'll have the place to myself when I need it." She said with her face turning a little red.

Not yet. I smiled to myself as I brushed off the comment. Her face seemed to turn into confusion since she didn't get a reaction from her comment.

"Umm do you want to watch tv or what should we do?" She paced nervously around her living room before walking over to turn on the tv.

"Netflix?" I asked her and she nodded.

And chill.

"Any preference on what to watch? You can choose I'm not picky at all." She handed me the remote then sat down. Close but not too close.

I liked Bonmati. She checks my boxes. Small, cute, athletic. She's a top tier player nowadays. I wouldn't mind being a power couple. That is however if my sister doesn't replace her on the field. That would be awkward.

"How are you settling in Barcelona?"

"It's such a nice change of scenery. I like the team. I really think we can be unstoppable this season. Don't you think?"

"It's a rather stacked team...I guess I'm a little worried about my playing time as well. Alexia, Ingrid, Patri, Kiera, Blair..."

"Blair really has a heart I's not your side you should worry about. The coach plans to place Blair, Ona, and possibly me as a full left attack. A 4-4-2 would be an amazing set up. An unbreakable defense while still being such a threatening offense."

Aitana watched every word leave my mouth so focused. She was such a cute listener. Her eyes always looked so happy.

"You really think so?"

"Aitana you're an amazing player. You don't need to worry go out there and play the way you love like you've been doing." She blushed a little bit before looking back towards the tv.

"I'm really glad you signed with Barcelona. You're so much better than I thought you would be." She tried to keep her gaze off of me but all I could do was stare at her lips as she talked.

"Can I ask you something?"


"You and Lucy? Or Lucy and Blair...what happened there?" I chuckled lightly as I leaned back into the couch.

"We both had feelings for Lucy. It started a fight and unfortunately she took the brunt of it all. She was pushed away and we weren't friends for awhile but everything is good now. Besides that's when Blair and I had to have the no fights over a guy or girl thing. Not that Blair often even pulls that way. That's more me."

"So you like girls and guys?"

"God no I hate men. Women on the other hand..." I smiled as I looked at her eyes then her lips. "Women are so much better." I held my gaze locked on her lips then I looked back up.

Her face was growing red again as she froze in her position. "The question shouldn't be who I like Bonmati...what is it that you like in a person."

"I like...I"

"Then show me how much you actually like me." She gave a small nod as she leaned in laying my body back down against the couch and straddling my waist as she slowly connected our lips. A smile forming on both of our faces as our lips stayed connected. My hands brushing up her shirt.

She pulled back up and looked at me silently trying to gather her thoughts. That was amazing. I've been out of the game for awhile. Maybe I needed a cute little Spanish midfielder to spice up my life.

"I hope that was okay..."

"More than okay."

"I was terrified when I first saw you but I..."

"Actually gave me a chance to show you who I am." I smiled pulled her in close to lay on my chest. We put on a random Netflix show as she laid her head on my chest and cuddled into me. I played with the small hairs near her ear tucking them behind it.

She was so small and such a gentle breather. I was a bit bigger than her so it was just more comfortable for me to be on the bottom. I stood in between five foot seven and five foot eight while Aitana was five foot four max. She was also super light maybe ten pounds over a hundred.

Aitana's phone buzzed startling both of us.

"Ona just asked if I'm busy tonight..." She looked at me with a questioning look.

"Tell her you're busy." I had a change in attitude as I flipped the two of us and hovered above her before lightly placing a few kisses down her neck.

"Let me text her back first." I quickly let her finish the text before pulling her shirt of with a smirk and watching her panic a bit.

"All good?" I was answered with a simple mmhmm before she reached up to connect our lips again.


"We should probably get up before we miss practice." Aitana giggled as I placed a soft kiss on her collarbone. I grabbed my shirt and pulled it over my head then threw her one as well.

She got out of her bed and stretched as she walked over to me. She reached up to place her arms around my neck and gave me a quick kiss before walking into her bathroom.

"Hey I'm going to have to run by my place but see you at practice?" She gave me a quick nod as I grabbed my stuff and let her place. Luckily enough it isn't too far from mine.

When I walked into the house Blair was sitting in the kitchen. Her hair was in a messy bun and she was wearing Nike pros and and a sports bra. Oddly enough this is the post I got laid look for Blair but no one was here and she didn't see to be a good mood so that was not the case.

"Aitana's house?" She quirked an eyebrow and I knew I was caught.

"What did you think I didn't know? It's been like a week and a half and you already slept with her? Seriously Blake?! We're here for soccer."

"What and you didn't try getting with anyone yet? Live a little for fucksake. Getting a boyfriend is not going to ruin your soccer career Blair."

She stared at me silently and gave a small nod.

"It would just be nice to have you around some. But I guess its whatever. She's cute and seems sweet. Be good to her okay?" Blair patted my shoulder grabbing her phone and going back upstairs.

She took it pretty well.

She really does need to get laid though. It literally our last name. Like we were born for fun in the bedroom...or couch or car or the many places I've had sex.

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