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Mapi's POV

"Athletico Madridddd." Blake exaggerated the name of the team we were getting ready to play. Most of us already dressed and starting to walk out to warm up.

"Blake." I waved her over and nodded towards her twin who was in a ball with her beats on and her eyes closed.

"(What's her deal before games?)"

"(She's just nervous nothing to worry about.)"

"(Does she ever not do that?)"

"(Always. Doesn't matter if we play a toddler team. Everyone just learns to leave her be you know. Usually we get a captain to get her when its time for example Alexia is the chosen one.)" She shrugged as she walked over to her American teammate and girlfriend.

"Why do you care what Blair does?" Ingrid asked me curiously as we both looked over at the girl.

"(Aren't you curious? She's proved right off the start how good she is? Why stay nervous when you're on that level? At this rate what has the girl not won?)"

"The Olympics, the Champions League, Liga F, the Ballon d'Or, Euro player of the year. I could go on. She's living in a whole new continent. You have to remember how big of a change this is for her. She's an introvert."

"(If she keeps it going she'll win three of those this season.)" I shrugged as the two of us left the locker room.

"Pugh Pugh Pugh." Lucy smiled as she playfully punched Mallory's shoulder. The England team and US team played each other alot. They had a lot of friendships between the two teams.

They also had a huge rivalry at the same time. It was entertaining to watch the two countries go at it. Mallory was the third big name in the attacking side that didn't make it to the World Cup. The US Women's National Team wasn't full at the World Cup and now unfortunately people act like they aren't anything anymore.

That country still produces insane players. I'm starting to think that their federation sent them here for a reason. The twins had slipped it in conversation that they were encouraged to go overseas.

"(Leon. Get your head here!)" Coach yelled at me as I was passed the ball. He's right I need to get my head in the game.

"(What's wrong with you Mapi?)" Alexia nudged my shoulder as I refocused.

"(Nothing. Just had something on my mind.)"

"Alright ladies line up for anthems." Coach clapped his hands and led the team back to the tunnel. Starting line up in the back line was same as last week but everything else was switched around.

Lucy, Irene, me, and Ona were holding the back line. Midfield was Aitana, Alexia, and Patri. Front line today was Blake, Blair, and Mallory. She's barely here a week and she gets to start. Also Blair isn't a forward but I suppose she's a versatile player and coach wants to experiment.

"(Ready to start?)" I walked over to Blair in the tunnel and she nodded silently.

"(You're switching to a new position and starting today. You can tell me if you're nervous Blair. Remember I'm one of your captains who is always here to talk.)"

"(I'm just trying to focus. I am nervous. I'm always nervous.)" She looked down at her feet and closed her eyes taking a deep breath. Alexia gave me a nod and pulled her a few feet away to tell her something.

Despite my attempts Alexia still seemed better connected with her. I guess that was a spark from the start of this season.

"(Let's go ladies.)" Alexia lead the line out as everyone lined up for the anthems and line up photo.


"Alright good game ladies. Mallory...welcome to the team! Blake, Blair, Mallory it's been great to have you join our team. And its been great to watch you score and play so great today. I'll leave it at that captains give a word."

Jonatan clapped as he walked away. Yet again Blake scored. Blair score twice. Mallory scored once. He didn't even address Patri's goal. I understand that these three have brought a good amount of press and popularity from overseas and here but it still was annoying to see them get this golden treatment almost.

That being said it annoyed me as much to see how good the three were. Specifically playing along side one another. Coach let them play a full ninety and only subbed our midfield out.

"(What's going on in that mind of yours?)" Ingrid came up to me and wrapped me in a hug. She placed a kiss on my forehead and smiled.

"(When it was just Blair and Blake I was happy but I'm not sure I like this new situation. Besides have you seen the way Mallory and Blair look at each other? I don't want Ona to get hurt. Mallory is married but those eyes for Blair and Blake say otherwise.)" I whispered to her as I looked across the locker room at the three. I just didn't like the girl.

"(You're worrying too much. Look at Blair now and tell me what you see.)" She whispered back and I did as she said. Surely enough Ona, Patri, and Aitana were all in conversation as Blair stood a few feet away ignoring Mallory and Blake in order to watch the smaller defender talk.

Ingrid was right. Blair did seem to still really like Ona. She told me that she was just going to take her time and I should trust her. I think she learned a lesson the hard way messing around with Alexia.

"Blair." I gave a small wave and she followed me out of the locker room. "(Good job today.)"

"Uh thanks? Did we need to step out for that?"

"(How are things between you and Ona going? Mallory coming isn't going to mess anything up right?)" I asked her and she smiled.

"I know what that looks like...Mallory and I did date briefly but we are strictly friends. Mallory has always been Blake's best friend so she'll always be close to me but she's married now and I moved on I promise. I really really like Ona and I've been spending more and more time with her. I just am taking my time."

"(Don't take too long. I can't wait to see the two of you together. But one more long do you and Blake plan on playing for Barcelona?)"

"We hadn't really discussed that why?"

"(Are you good at long distance because I doubt Aitana or Ona will be.)"

"So what are you saying?"

"(I just don't want you to date Ona if you're just going to leave...I don't think any of us want you to leave. You didn't want to even come to Barca...)"

"Mapi can we just not worry about this right now? I don't control these kind of things." She told me a bit of sadness taking over her voice. "We have a full season and year ahead of us okay? Let's enjoy it."

I pulled her in for a hug. I didn't want to let go and she didn't make me. Blair was a breath of fresh air. She was someone I didn't realize I needed in my life.

"If I can resign. Just know I will." She smiled as she squeezed my hand and re-entered the locker room to change.

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