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Ona's POV

"(You told her I like her?!)" I paced back and forth as Alexia sat in my living room. I can't believe she would tell Blair that I like her.

I was hoping she never even found out. What does a girl like Blair laid want with a girl like me? Oh that's right she doesn't. She usually forgets I even exist. I crave absolutely everything about her. She forgets that I exist!

A few weeks ago when Lucy and Kiera invited me to brunch I was not aware that Blair would be there. I'm not sure they know how I feel about her. I walked up for a hug but she ended up just holding me for awhile.

I was so happy yet sad at the same time. I want her and I know I can't have her. She's in love with Alexia. It was obvious and especially after Alexia's reaction last night. It's all I needed to see in order to know I had no chance.

I saved her last night and all she's going to think about is waking up in Alexia's arms.

"(Blair and I are over...completely. I truly hope that she's leaving Joao...maybe try your chance.)"

"(You hope she's leaving Joao? She fucking better after what happened!)" I shook my head as I thought about the agonizing thought of João on top of her.

It was a disgusting sight to see.

"(Thinking about the other night?)" I gave Ale a nod as I went and sat in her lap. She held me tight as I sat there thinking about the American midfielder. Alexia was so lucky to catch her attention.

I was bummed for another reason too. Aitana was so excited to have me back at Barca. We talked about it for hours the day I signed with the team. She said we'd be closer than ever and now she's never around. I guess in some ways Blair might feel the same way with Blake.

Aitana had her sights set on Blake the moment they walked into the training facility. She would talk about her nonstop and I was dragged along to hangout with them sooo many times just for the two of them to ignore me.

"(I'm going to talk to Aitana.)"

"(About what?)"

"(She basically abandoned you because of Blake.)"

"(It's not a big deal...I'm happy for her.") I sighed as Alexia kissed my forehead and picked me up causing me to giggle.

"(Let's go out.)" She grabbed my arm and pulled me out the door driving us to the stadium oddly enough.

"(Alexia, why are we here?)" I turned to her confused and she smiled. She walked into the stadium and straight onto the field.

"(You're home Ona. Remember why you came back. This is our home. Barca is an amazing place to play for. I know alot is going on around the team but just focus what you love and what loves you. Don't tell Lucy I said this but you're the best fullback in the world right now. At the end of the day you're a world cup champion and you are Ona Batlle. Remember that...maybe Blair will realize how amazing you are too eventually." She squeezed my hand as we stood in the middle of the huge stadium.

She let me take it all in and I remembered the video of the whole stadium cheering Alexia over and over again. I wish that could be me. She's right. I need to come into this team and show everybody why I'm here.

I am the best fullback in the world.

"(Hey...)" Aitana walked up behind me and I turned around looking surprised to see her. Alexia smiled as she walked away giving us time to talk. She set this up on purpose I suppose.

"(Aitana? What are you doing here?)"

"(Alexia text me...I'm really sorry Ona. I've been a horrible friend. I just got so caught up in my relationship with Blake or start of one that I forgot about my bestfriend being back. I'm such a shitty person. I promise we're going to start hanging out starting now!)" She wrapped me in a hug and swung me around in a circle.

"(I really missed you...and yeah you were being a shitty friend but you've apologized so I guess I can forgive you. I love you Aitana don't let some new girlfriend make you forget about me!)"

"(Never again)". She held me hand tightly then grabbed the ball to kick it up.

"(Oh you're on.)"


"(I'm so glad Alexia reached out to you.)"

"(I wish you had Ona.)"

"(I know. I was just scared to overstep.)"

"(You're my bestfriend Ona...there's no overstepping. I owe you as your bestfriend to always be there and I promise I'll be better.)"

"Ona y Aitana (forever)."


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