Final before Final

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A\N: Go read my Bonmati book.
Also thanks for the engagement through comments votes follows etc I appreciate it

Alexia's POV

"You went fucking beast mode the other day. That Blair is here tournament Blair is here stop fucking worrying." Blake threw a water bottle at Blair annoyed.

Her anxiety was getting the best of her at the moment. She did a stunning job yesterday and I was truly proud of the young American. I know that Blake's attack really scared her and she stayed strong for Aitana's sake.

"(I was so impressed.)" I admitted and Blair's eyes lit up and flipped to me.

"Oh you're shitting me. She says it and you believe her?" Blair blushed and shook her head.

"Alexia doesn't lie to me."

"I'm your sister and I always support you."

"Hmm whatever. You guys are right. I'm like fucking amazing at soccer don't know why I doubt myself." She began to play with the water bottle that her sister chunked at her head. Her eyes glued up as she bottle flew into the air and back in her hand.

"Yessss god complex Blair." Blake smiled big as Aitana walked back in the room. She took a spot in her girlfriend's lap quietly.

"When you kissed Ona during half time what was the reason?" After a few moments of silence Aitana looked up confronting Blair.

"(You kissed Ona at half time?)"

Blair sat up and looked at her silently. A blank gaze on her face like she was trying to find the words but had nothing to say. No emotion snuck out to answer the question either.

"Yeah, we kissed." She stared blankly at the floor in front of her. When Blair Laid showed no emotion its because every single one rushed through her head. Her thoughts became so loud that the outside world ceased to exist.

I knew the feeling all too well. The pressure of every doubt. The pressure over every hope. The pressure of everything taking over every ounce of energy one could create. It almost made you stop and wonder if anything you do is worth it. If it was worth the risk and as good as Blair Laid is she failed to take risks.

"Blair..." I softly called her name pulling her out of her thoughts.

"Are we sure I'm meant for Ona?"

"Is that what's really been bothering you?"

"I know we'll win the doubts haven't been about that." Blair admitted quietly.

Aitana and Blake exchanged a look before continuing the conversation. The two held eye contact for a moment a full conversation was spoken through their eyes. Its always in the eyes for those two.

"What is there to doubt?" Aitana asked the girl softly worrying about both her best friend and her girlfriend sister.

"Umm lets see am I going to be a dumbass again? Do I actually know how to love someone and not just have both of us broken? Do I know how to not be a fucking dumbass-?"

"BLAIR." Blake shut her sister up. A small frown took the taken twins face as she looked at the emotionally struggling twin.

Blair cared about Ona. She had a different side of her surface. A new group of feelings she had yet to experience. Apparently an emotion she wasn't able to handle.

"What are you so afraid of?" Blake asked her softly.

"I'm not afraid-."

"What are you afraid of?" Blake asked again forcing Blair to answer. She bit her bottom lip now nervously playing with the sheet underneath her.

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