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Alexia's POV

"I can't wait until I'm back on that field."

Blair sighed scrolling through her phone. She was excited for the champions league. She began talking to me about it mid season. She just wanted to prove to the world that she wasn't just a winner because of her country. Blair's always won everything though.

She's won every World Cup she's played. She won in college and highschool. She won in the NWSL. She got injured in the Olympics and was forced to disappoint her team. That's the only tournament she's been in and lost. She was looking forward to the Olympics to finally finish her golden arc.

"(You'll be back B.)"

She looked over with a content smile. Her eyes scanning my body as we stood in the room alone. "I'm sorry for keeping you in the middle of this."

"(What are you apologizing for?)"

"For basically using some ways I suppose..."

"(Are you?)"

"Am I not? I can't decide who I want and you're just okay with that? I don't get it."

"I can't decide either Blair." I admitted quietly. I knew that she felt bad for having conflicting feelings but I knew even more so due to being in the same position.

Every time I saw her I felt that feeling in my stomach but every time I couldn't decide whether it was because I loved her or the guilt of pulling her away from her true love.

I knew how deep Blair's feelings for Ona were. I knew better than Blair herself. I tried to help Ona make things work but the small mistake she made sent things spiraling. Blair and I both knew we were not meant to be but here we were again falling in love again. Desperately trying not to.

"I need you to back off of Ona for awhile."

"Why would I do that?"

"Mapi's right."

"I'm not going to be a distraction for her. Ona assisted two goals against Bayern. She's amazing nothing I do is going to stop her from being amazing. If anything I think I motivate her to play better."

I was annoyed that I agreed. I would play well too if it was for Blair's attention but my play doesn't affect the levels of Blair's attraction towards me.

"Now how do I motivate you?" She asked me seductively taking a step forward and wrapped her arms around my neck.

"You have to stop with me if you're going to get back to her." I told her slightly annoyed.

"And I will...eventually."

She pulled my lips against smirking into the kiss. I hate that it turned me on. I placed my hands on her hips pulling her body into mine as I loved to do so much.

"We have practice later best not exert too much energy." She pulled back smiling. I knew this little game that she just loved teasing me with. I had something for her that will have her struggling to walk at that practice.

"(How do you feel about using...)" I looked towards the bag on my bed and Blair smiled pulling her shirt over her head.


"Fuck that was a bad idea." Blair stretched on the ground as I laced up my cleats.

"(I had a lot of fun. No idea why you're complaining.)" I smirked as she rolled her eyes. She's already done that a lot today.

"Should have taught Ona that trick. I may have never left." She joked with me. Pretty sure the extra appendage is the only reason she's ever been with a guy.

"Hey." Ona plopped down beside me with a smile. Thank god she did not come a few seconds earlier.

"Hey Batlle." Blair's eyes trailed along the defenders body. I love the look in her eyes but prefer when I'm the reason for it.

Ew I'm jealous.

If anything Ona being oblivious was a lifesaver. I didn't want to hurt the little defender but I really enjoyed fucking her ex girlfriend.

Blair handed me the muscle roller and I kneeled beside her rolling it across her right quad as she closed her eyes from the pain and threw her head back. Fuck, that's so hot. She leaned back resting on her elbows letting me do all the work.

"When do you get to play again?"


"Okay good." Ona nodded looking intensely at Blair. Stop being jealous Alexia.

"The fans will be so happy. Pretty sure they're starting to cheer your name more than Alexia's." I faked gasped as I shook my head.

"Never the Culers are mine!"

"I'll change that." Blair smiled at me and I tackled her on to the ground.

"I'm being attacked!"

"You deserve it." Ona giggled at the two of us. I miss hearing her that happy. I know Ona was doing okay but she was more happy right now then lately.

"What you find it funny?" Blair raised an eyebrow at her as I got off and we both pulled Ona to the ground. Blair and I laid on top of Ona holding her down.

"(What are the three of you even doing?)" Mapi walked over and placed her hands on her hips. We all three smiled and broke out laughing.

"(Don't worry about it.)" Blair winked as she got up first. She ended up walking away with the other captain. There's a chance that coach might sub her in for the final group stage game. He talked to me about this atleast.

"(I miss her hugs.)"

"(Ona, she'll give you a hug whenever.)" I smiled helping her up. Ona just gave a small shrug looking over at the captain and midfielder. I wanted Ona to be able to spend time with Blair but we also needed Ona to focus during this tournament.

We need Blair fully focused as well when she came back. When it gets up to a final a single person can be the deciding factor between win or lose.

I was hoping to be the one who lead them to victory but I had to give props to Mapi. She's been holding this team together lately since my focus leaves every time I step off the field. When it comes to game time I'm in full focus and full form but I'd be lying to myself if I said that's all that mattered.

My job off the pitch as a leader was lacking. I was too focused on helping Ona and messing around with Blair which when I thought about was the biggest contradiction possible.

"(Do you think I'll ever have a chance again?)"

"(I know you will little one.)" I pat her head then pulled her in for a side hug.

"(Thanks Alexia for always being there for me.)" She smiled at me and it crushed me to know what I was doing.

I have to give up Blair. I don't deserve her like Ona does. I know the feelings behind the two of us are undeniable but Ona deserved her so much more.

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