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Blair's POV

I was so excited for today but I wasn't ready. I was terrified. I had to be perfect today. My first Champions League game is today.

"May I sit next to you on the bus?" I looked over at the smaller defender. I know that I'm nervous but I have to be nice. She didn't deserve to be the punching back for my nerves.

"Ona, I don't talk before-."

"I promise I'll be silent...I just want to be near you." I smiled lightly and pulled her in wrapping my arms around her. I placed my beats back on my ears as we waited to load the bus. I couldn't lie to myself and act that having Ona in my arms did soothe my nerves just a little bit. Atleast just enough to allow me to breathe correctly.

"Hey." Blake pressed pause on the side as she walked up to me.

"You're going to do fine Blair. It's only the first half. We can always comeback. We always do."

"I'll be fine." I nodded resting my cheek against the defenders forehead.

"Remember when you told me one time that you look back at me on the field and you feel less nervous?"

"Yea I do..."

"Just look back today." Ona whispered lightly her eyes glancing up at mine.

"Thanks for still being one of my bestfriends." I gave her a squeeze before letting go and lining up onto the bus.


We got onto the bus when it arrived. Ona and I settled for the back of the bus. Oddly enough on our bus the middle is the most rowdy section. Coaches sat up in the front as always. Blake and Aitana decided to sit on the row across from us.

Aitana had pregame nervousness pretty bad as well. She tended to be quiet on the bus rides so I didn't mind the two of them near us. This is actually the first time that I've sat with Ona on the bus when we weren't dating. I wish we never broke up, but at the time it wouldn't notice.

I gently laced our hands together as Ona rested her head on my shoulder. A sense of warmth growing in my chest from the light contact. A small feeling of memory resurfacing.

"Five minutes out ladies." Coach Jonatan shouted from the front of the bus.

We arrived at the stadium. The bus parking and the bags being unloaded immediately. It's time. Time to focus; time to play.

Game time, game mode.

"Thanks." I looked confused before realizing what I had done unconsciously. I held Ona's hand helping her down the bus stairs. She always brings out the best in me.

"Most people usually say you're welcome."

"Yeah-sorry umm just out of it." I shook my head scanning the screaming fans all around.

"Blair! Aitana! Ona! Ona can you sign my ball!" The voices filled my ears as I quickly placed my beats on full blast drowning out the noise. She people around making my breathing more and more shallow by the second.

A small hand placed on my back and pushed me forward into the tunnel. I made my way straight to my locker sat tucking my knees to my chest and closed my eyes. I just wanted to forget everything right now.

The pounding music only made me think about one thing. Ona. This song was the last one I listened to before we played Real Madrid. The day that I kissed Ona in that locker room.

"Hey." My music paused a voice lightly called my attention. I slowly lifted my head and opened my eyes to look at the Spanish captain. Not the midfielder though. The centerback who would probably take her place in grabbing my attention before the game.

"Game time?"

"(Get dressed. I'll see you out on the field.)"

I nodded my head at Mapi's instructions and quickly put on the game day kit. The team medical staff quickly taped my left quad and next thing I know I was standing on the field.

The loud crowded stadium suffocating me once again until I received a small slap against the back of my head. "Focus."

The blonde midfielder snapped at me as I stretched and warmed up. I was ready. I'm ready. I need to prove that I am going to be a Champions League winner.

"Blair, how's the leg feeling?" Coach Jonatan asked me and I returned a thumbs up.

"Ready?" I nodded to Blake as we took our spots on the field.

"VAMOS!" Alexia clapped as the whistle was blown starting the first half.


"Why aren't we winning yet?" I raised my arms above my head out of breath. I just bust my ass out on that field wanting to succeed. The need to prove myself caused a massive headache.

"Blair it was just the first half its fine."

I shook my head rapidly as I started to breathe faster and harder. My chest began to twist. A shooting pain flying across my body as I held the wall beside me. Blake immediately came closer to me placing a hand on my shoulder. I knew she was talking but I didn't hear anything. My head was spinning.

"Blair." A soft whisper opened my ears as I looked up. The number twenty two jersey stood in front of me. Her soft hands cupping my face as we stood in the bathroom stall that I ran into.

"(Breathe...)" The soft spanish whisper slowed my heart rate.

"(You're okay my love.)" Her soft hand slowly brushed down my arm.

"I couldn't breathe."

"I know you were having a panic attack."

"Mmhmm." I rest my head against her collarbone. Her hands raising back up to hold my face up to look at her. A gentle kiss was placed on my cheek before she led me back out.

"Blair, I'm going to rest you." Coach told me and I nodded. Damn it.

I walked back out and took my seat in the back row of the bench. I barely paid attention to the game. When Blake got subbed out she tried to talk to me but I ignored her as well.

"Stop being a bitch and listen to me."

"I'm sorry." I shook my head regaining focus and looked over at Blake.

"They scored." I blinked a few times and looked up at the scoreboard.

"Everything's going to be just fine."

"I know. It was just an off game." I told her now focusing on the game. The team was playing much better now. The game still came to an end at 1-0.

"Good game. Good game. Good game." I relentlessly went around shaking hands with the other players.

"Umm Blair Laid...do you mind if we swap jerseys?" I scanned around looking for any excuse not to.

"I'm really sorry...I've never played in the Champions League before I was hoping to keep my jersey for my first game. Something else I could do for you maybe?" I asked her anxiously.

"A photo would be great." I smiled as followed her over so someone could take pictures of the two of us. A few other teammates asked the same thing.

"Whoa are you Blair Laid?" Ona approached me in a mocking tone.

"Shut it Batlle. You know I hate that shit." I rolled my eyes annoyed and I saw a bit of defeat. "Sorry you know I didn't mean it like that...you played really good today."

"Yea thanks." She gave me a light push away as she walked back to the locker rooms.

Well, shit.

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