Barca Boys

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Blair's POV

"Hey." I gave Aitana a small side hug as I walked through the kitchen. Blake seemed to be in a really happy situationship with her so far. They aren't official yet but soon enough it'll get there.

Aitana's so cute honestly. Super sweet girl I was glad that Blake chose her. Maybe she has some wild side or something because it's a different type of girl Blake usually goes with.

"Morning Blair."

"Manana." I walked over to the fridge to find something to eat. That was until my phone rang. Lucy? Hmm interesting.

"Hey Luce."

"Hey Blair, wanna catch Breakfast with Kiera and I? We know Aitana's probably there so Blake is busy."

"Yes and yes. Send me the address and I'll be right over." I hung up the phone and shut the fridge.


"Hey B." Kiera gave me a hug as I arrived. The small right back from Spain stood behind them. Well I guess I could take that as a good sign.

"Hey Ona." I wrapped the smaller girl in a hug and held her in my arms as we stood there waiting to be seated. Her head rested against my shoulder lightly as she brought her arms up around my torso.

Lucy and Kiera stood behind us with a big smile and I just mouthed a big no. I was not about to get shipped with a girl I barely know. Besides I really have my eyes on Joao. He's cute he's sweet and he didn't even kiss me last night. He's giving me time.

"I love hugging taller people." Ona mumbled quietly against my chest and I laughed.

"Everything okay with you, Batlle?" I rubbed her arm a bit and she just gave a small shrug.

"I guess when I returned to Barcelona I expected more time with Aitana...I'm glad she's happy-."

"No I get it. I mean if you're ever bored you could always text me and maybe we could hang out." I told her and it seemed to brighten her mood alot more.

"That would be great actually thank you."

"Ona we didn't know you felt that way. You could always come to us too." Lucy told her with a comforting smile.

After waiting a bit we sat down at our table and got our food. "So and João?"

Kiera teased me and I couldn't help but smile. Ona looked at me with a smile her chin resting in on her hand. "You're blushing." Her thick spanish accent was followed by a giggle.

"Okay okay yes. I did spend some time with Felix yesterday but its nothing serious! He's cute but I'm not sure it'll even turn into anything." I shrugged as I heard my phone buzz.

Joao and I had been talking/together for about four weeks now. He seemed like a really good guy and going into this I really just expected us to bang a few times and be done but maybe more will come out of this.

'Party at Gavi's tonight, bring the team.'

"I can probably guess who that is." Lucy smirked as she waited for me to say it.

"Joao text me that Gavi is hosting a party and wants me to bring the team. Does everyone want to go?"

"I'm down." Ona smiled at us.

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