Blair Laid

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A\N: This chapter is not rated E for Everyone :) fair warning its not too crazy either tho I randomly wrote this while watching Dynasty lol

Ona's POV

"There they are." Mapi cheered when the door opened. Aitana rushed to Blake's arms but I sat frozen in my seat waiting to see their reaction. Did they get to stay?

Both the twins and Alexia stayed straight faced until Blake broke first with a huge smile reaching her face then she kissed Aitana. I felt the tension in my body release as I shut my eyes and smiled.

"Ona." I reopened them to see Blair standing in front of me. She reached out for my hand and pulled me into a hug. She seemed so calm but happy.

"We're okay." She kissed my forehead and lead me away from the rest of the team.

"So what happened?"

"They told me that we were going home because of the injuries. So I threatened to quit the national team." My jaw dropped.

"You what?"

"I'll give up anything for you." She looked at me seriously. She meant every word of it.

"Why-Blair you would risk your whole career for me?" She gave a small nod and kissed my nose.

"(I love you.) I'm in love with you." She smiled as I pushed her against the wall and connected our lips for much longer. I pressed my knees between her legs making her moan and allowing me to slip my tongue in her mouth. The black dress she was wearing was so sexy.

"Hey-we have a house full of people. Let's be polite." She smiled and pushed me back.

"Te amo."

"Te amo." She nodded and fixed her dress before leading me back to the living room.

Mapi and Ingrid whistled as we walked back in. God she looked so hot right now. I can't wait to take that dress off of her tonight. I shook the thought away knowing Blair didn't want to rush things. She's been pretty hesitant about having sex with me.

"She looks hot, doesn't she?" I smiled at my beautiful girlfriend.

"Oh hush." She smiled sitting in my lap on the couch. Everyone else joined. Everyone was so noisy and loud. The team was just happy to be able to keep the twins. I know I was.

"So they're trying to tell us that we need to come home and Blair just blurts out I quit. I'm not going to lie it shocked the fuck out of me. I did not expect her to say that at all. We knew that the federation would try to pull some shit but Blair really said oh yeah fuck you." Blake laughed with everyone.

"They probably shit themselves when she said that." Lucy smiled at Blair.

"Oh they most definitely did. I simply don't give a fuck. I have never felt so alive since being here." She smiled leaning back into my body and holding my arms around her tighter.

"We know you're in love with your girl." Kiera smiled looking at the two of us.

"Can you blame me?" I blushed at the topic of the conversation and kissed her neck.

"Keep it pg ladies." Patri giggled teasing us.

"Not much about me is pg." Blair joked around with them as my face grew a little more rare.

"Ona spill the beans did you hit?" Mapi teased me and I knew my face was on fire at this point. Oh dear god.

"Okay Mapi come on. That's for us to know."

"Aww no you two haven't." Mapi snickered.

"You guys stop it." Blair was now blushing too.

"They're not Aitana and Blake who literally can't stop fucking." Kiera helped changed the topic.

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