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A\N: Curveball for fafanvy   muahahah...Alexia isn't the problematic one this chapter🫣

Blair's POV

"(Wake up sleepy.)" I woke up to the centerback's soft voice.

"Did I sleep the whole flight?" I looked up at Mapi slightly confused as I stirred awake.

"(Yeah you did. We're in Florida. Do you need to talk about something with me?)" Again Mapi's voice stayed soft as she kept her volume low as well.

"I'd rather go enjoy Disney...my mind is just lingering on the fact that Ona slept with Leila Ouahabi." I looked up at her with a sly smile on my face.

"You and I would have been a fun couple." Mapi's face seemed to panic a bit but she shook the thought away.

"(You're drunk aren't you?)" I nodded with a smile as I sat up.

"Borderline, but let's not act like the thoughts haven't crossed our minds." I winked as I stretched and got out of the bed. I wrapped my arms around her shoulders loosely resting my head against hers.

"(If you are feeling stressed come talk to me so you don't blow up on Ona?) Mapi kissed my cheek and walked away.

"Everything okay?" Blake startled me as she walked into the seperate part of the plane.

"Of course. We're going to Disney World what else could I be except happy." I smiled as I twirled her around in a hug.

"Okay well in that case let's go shall we?" Blake grabbed my hand and pulled me off the plane.

"What time is it here?" I asked as I looked outside of the plane. The sun wasn't up yet. So it was either late at night or early in the morning. I just wasn't sure.

"It is 6:30 am Orlando time. Not only did you sleep through the full flight but also our small stop and refill up in New York as well. So we have time to drop our bags at the hotel then we'll hit the park. So umm what park are we going to? And what hotel did you book?" Blake smiled at me curious.

"Just get in the car sis." I smiled as the limo arrived and then a suv behind to carry luggage.

"Disney WOOOORLD!" Lucy stuck her arms up excited. Keira looked over like the girl was a crazy five year old.

"Alright music time." Blake laughed as she connected her phone.

🎶Okay can I just ask you something crazy?🎶

"I love crazy." I quirked an eyebrow at Blake when I sang the line.

"All my life has been a series of doors in my face and then suddenly I bump in to youuu." I bumped Ona with my shoulder and a big smile on my face.

"I've been searching my whole life to find my own place..." Blake looked over my way. Passive agressive but funny sis.

"Love is an open dooooor. Love is an open door. Love is an open door with you." Ona and I began singing back and forth. I caught Mapi filming the two of us and threw a small wave towards the camera.

"Life can be so much more with you." Blake sang to Aitana as I went silent a little afraid to sing anymore in front of the camera.

"Blair sings really well." Ingrid gave me an excited look. I told Ona and Aitana knew but I never really played music or sang around the rest of the team.

"I can occasionally carry a tune or whatever." I looked around at everyone blushing a bit.

"You're so musically talented! Don't lie." Ona teased me and I shook my head. A few minutes later we pulled into our hotel. Of course every pair got their own room. We were almost all next to each other.

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