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Alexia's POV

"You clean up well." Blair gave me a faint smile as she walked up to me. The black dress on her looked stunning. Blake walked up shortly after breaking up the tension.

"Ew stop fucking looking at eachother like that." Blake rolled her eyes annoyed. After Ona and Blair got together Blake began to hate me. Probably figured she's safe from having to ever see me date her sister.

"Shut up Blake. Let's focus on the real issue right now." Blair looked around nervous as everyone arrived. The owners of Barcelona, coach Jonatan, the Usa coach, the United States federation president then another man but I'm not sure who he was.

"Oh fuck." Blair slipped out as she looked at the unknown man.

"Who is that?" I asked them confused as they shared a look then looked at us.

"Our father."

Oh? This is the son of the bitch Blair told me about. The abusive overbearing father has arrived. Blair told me about her dad. Blake had mentioned a few things as well.

"David? Oh thank god." Blake hugged her older brother when he walked up to the restaurant.

"Blake, Blair. You two look nice."

"Thanks dad." Blake smiled awkwardly as her father approached the four of us.

"I wasn't aware you were coming."

"I was at your game." Both twins quickly looked at each other confused.

"You came to our game?" Blair's voice cracked when she forced out the question.

"I did. You did well Blair." He gave a small nod as he walked away and shook hands with Jonatan. The two began speaking Spanish as they walked away.

"Why the hell is he here?" Blake slapped David's arm as soon as her father was far enough away.

"He somehow knew about the meeting. [How are the two of you anyways? Are you okay?]" What is up with this fucking family speaking French. I don't really know anything well except for Spanish and some English.

"[Things were going good.]" Blair rolled her eyes. I could tell she was really nervous. I felt bad for her. However if I tried to comfort her or get close at all I had a feeling Blake would snap at me. She was already mad just at the way we looked at each other.

"Ladies, let's go." Coach motioned us over as we sat down at our table.

"Now we all know that the deal to get them to Barcelona was quite large. Blair was a two million dollar contract and Blake was a one million dollar contract. That being said one of our highest concerns was their health through the full season. We already established that Blake's injury was unavoidable and acceptable." Key words they didn't care about Blake's concussion because she wasn't the all star twin.

"However we watched the final game of the season and were not only shocked to see Blair on the starting line up but upset to see the fact that she stayed in the game despite all of the foul commitment against her. That being said we do not believe that they should continue their time overseas. I would like to thank your club for the opportunity to grow three of our players but I would appreciate if they returned home." William Wilson, the chief executive officer stated calmly but I saw the twins reactions. There was nothing calm about them.

"That wasn't the deal." Blake stated harshly. She tried to hold back her anger but there was no use.

"Ms. Laid I know you have enjoyed being overseas but this choice is in the best interest for the team-."

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