Return of the Hospital

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Aitana's POV

"(She's going to be okay.)" I held Blake as she sobbed over the other twin.

"(I yelled at her...she risked her life and I still yelled at her. I was so stupid!)" Blake shook her head before crashing back into the crook of my neck.

The sobs of the girl were so pained. I felt horrible for her. She was panicking and she saw me injured of course she was going to yell at people.

"(Blake, you have to breathe.)" Alexia walked up kneeling beside her softly rubbing her back. Everyone had already made any attempt possible to help her.

"Wait how is Ona?" Blake suddenly snapped out of it remembering the love of Blair's life.

"She's not doing too well." Keira sighed standing next to us. Mapi, Ingrid, and Lucy were all comforting the small defender while Keira, Alexia, and I focused on Blake. It had been hours since the shooting at the game yet there was still no update.

"I have to make sure Ona's okay. She made sure you were okay. I failed Blair-."

"Stop." Alexia abruptly shut her up as she pulled her over into her arms.

"(Listen to me. Blair is going to be fine. Aitana is going to be fine. I am going to find Ona and you are going to make sure she is fine and then everything will be okay.)" Alexia held Blake chin up and the sobs seemed to subside.

"Okay. You're right. Blair's basically invincible she'll be okay." Blake finally took a deep breath as Alexia kissed her on the cheek then pushed her back into my arms.

I mouthed a thank you as she walked away to go find Ona. I could only imagine how horrible of a state Ona was in right now. I knew she felt guilty because I did. I felt horrible for even crying about my arm. I was already patched up and Blair was barely holding on to life up in some operating room.

"She saved my life."

"And Ona's, she cares so much about Ona."

"Blake?" Alexia had walked back over as Lucy was carrying Ona. Ona was quite small like me so seeing anyone just carry her like a toddler was normal, but I hated to see her crying like one as well.

"Ona...she's going to be okay." Blake held Ona up in her arms as the defender silently sobbed into the crook of her neck. Blake's one hand under her bottom to hold her up as the other pressed behind her back to hold her close.

"(Blair loves you too much. She just did what she does she protected you and Aitana. She's going to be okay. There's no one in the world in better shape than her. And somehow just to spite me now she'll one up me being stabbed with being shot. So you can cry and I'll understand but do not think for one second that Blair isn't going to make it. She's going to recover and she's going to marry you Ona.)" Blake had stopped crying completely and spoke to Ona with a smile on her face.

The room went silent and everyone stood up at two surgeons walked into the room exhausted.

"Blake?" One of the doctors walked forward and gave her a hug after she set Ona down.

"Is Blair okay?" Blake asked them much more calm now since she's seen this surgeon who seemed to know her. 

"Your teammates I presume?" The doctor glanced over as if he was asking for permission to tell the rest of us.

"Yeah they can hear everything." I pulled Ona into my arms as we awaited the news.

"Blair should be dead right now but she's not. Blair is very much alive and looking well for what she just went through. That being said I am only a doctor not a god. We have to wait to see how things go from here. Its going to be a very long road for her."

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