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Aitana's POV

I sat in the hospital chair. My hands over my face. My heart racing out of my chest. My eyes were puffy and breathing was heavy. A small pain in my chest waiting to hear anything about Blake.

"You know Blake is too annoying to die. She'll be up in a few hours making fun of us for even crying. Claiming that Blake Laid doesn't die. Keep that faith right now Aitana. Blake Laid doesn't die." Blair kneeled in front of my seat. She hasn't dropped a single tear yet.

I finally finished crying. All I could think about was the blood rushing out of her body. The cops had already talked to me twice now. Ona and Blair both holding me tight through each interview allowing me to get through it.

"How do we know she's gonna...?"

"Blake loves you too much to leave you just yet. I know she won't leave us. And I'm not leaving your side until she's out of surgery. Okay? I'm here for you." I turned and looked at the midfielders determined face.

"You aren't sad or scared?"

"I'm in denial. I'm angry. I am not scared."

"Were you really going to...?" I trailed off not even wanting to finish the question.

"Yes. I was going to kill him." She told me sternly. Her voice unafraid to admit.

"Good." I looked at her my face relaxing.

Everyone stood up quickly when the surgeon walked into the waiting room. He looked tired. Blake had been in surgery for two or three hours at this point.

"Blake Laid is going to be just fine." He told us and everyone let out a relieved breath. Blair pulled me into a tight hug and kissed my forehead.

"I told you." She smiled and began to follow him to the room. "Aitana, come with me." She held out her hand gently grabbing mine and leading her to me.

"Hey B." Blair softly held her twins hand. I stood on the other side of the bed and did the same. Blake gave us a faint tired smile. Her skin looking a little pale as she received more blood and ivs.

"Did they catch the guy?"

"I beat the absolute hell out of him." Blair held up her hands and gave her twin a smile.


"She tried to kill him." I slipped out and Blake chocked out a laugh.

"I'm not surprised."

"Hey...I'll come see you later. I want to give you two some time." Blair kissed Blake's forehead and exited the room.

"I was so scared Blake." I felt a tear run down my cheek. Blake's had lifted off the bed and wiped it away.

"I'm not leaving you any time soon. It's going to take a hell of a lot more than a stab to the side to take me away from you. Never doubt for a second that I'll ever stop fighting to be with you Aitana. (I love you)."

Blake's soft smile melted my heart. So this is love's strength. Blake's love for me kept her alive. Blake kept fighting for all of us.

"Are you in pain?"

"I'm so drugged up right now." She cracked a big smile and held my hand.

"Good, I don't want you to be in pain."

"Ms. Bonmati. May we ask you one more question?" I looked back towards the doorway at the officer standing waiting for me.

"Yes sir." I exited the room allowing Blake to rest. The officers walked away from her door uncomfortably turning to me.

"Is there any chance you heard the man say a name before the attack. Did the assailant by chance say Blair Laid rather Blake?"

"Umm I'm-I'm not sure?" I quirked an eyebrow looking confused.

"Ms. Laid-Blair Laid was the intended target of the attack. Blake Laid was not supposed to be the injured player. According to the man in our custody Blair Laid was the one he meant to attack which is why he also did not hurt you. We just needed to confirm his story that he was trying to attack Blair. He claims he said Blair's name and Blake answered to it. He only stabbed her once stopping when you said her name."

"Because they're identical twins...." I swallowed the giant lump down in my throat.

"Where is Blair?" I looked around. As my eyes finally fell on Blair's. The bright red pair zoned in on me. Now she was upset. Now Blair was sad knowing that she was the reason Blake was sitting in a hospital bed.

"(How is she?)" Ona walked up to me breaking my eye contact with Blair.

"(She's going to be completely fine.)"

"(That's good.)"

"(Is it? It was supposed to be her.)" I glared at Blair across the room. Anger rising inside of me. Then it dropped. Holy shit. Why am I mad at Blair. Blair could have been the one in that bed. She could be dead. Because the man stopped when he realized it was Blake but had it been Blair? What could have happened?

"(She's just better at hiding her feelings. She's trying to be strong for you and Blake. She was standing by your side since we've got here even it you didn't notice.)" Ona gave me a hug and walked away.

"(This is not how tonight was supposed to go.)" I complained as Mapi approached me.

"(I'm sorry Tana.)" Mapi hugged me and turned around to look for Ingrid.

"(I feel bad...because I can't help but hate Blair right should have been her but-I'm a horrible person for even thinking this!)" I felt tears come to my eyes again.

"It should have been me. The police already said. I don't want you to feel any guilt right now. Just go lay with Blake. You need her right now, okay?" Blair startled me. I didn't even know she heard me.

"I love you, Aitana." She walked away without looking back. I couldn't help but watch her leave the whole team. More than likely just needing a small moment to herself.

Everything is going to be okay though.

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