Just Friends

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Blair's POV

"Blair fucking Laid. I have missed you so much. How have you been babe?" I smiled as I crashed in Hailee's arms. Hailee and I became close friends after a birthday party for Taylor.

"Hi Hiaz. I missed you." She kissed the side of my face and released from the hug. M

"Alright there's a different glow to you. What's up somethings changed." I blushed a little wondering if being with Ona made me that much better.

"I umm I might be seeing someone." I told her shyly but there was no way that would receive a calm return from Hailee.

"What's his name?!" Hailee asked me excited and I began laughing. Hailee and I used to get a little floated and make out alot...

So the fact that she assumed I went to Spain and got a Spanish boyfriend was kind of funny to me. I understood the assumption though. I rejected Hailee because I didn't want to date a girl and in the end she wasn't ready to deal with coming out either.

She really was a name I should have added to the count. I would have enjoyed that night.

"Well...her name is Ona Batlle. She's a defender on the Barcelona team." I told her a small smile creeping up on my face.

"Ooo a hot Spanish girlfriend. I'm really happy for you Blair. I'm glad you found someone. She's obviously helped change you a bit. I love the new you." I smiled at Hailee as we rode to the restaurant. New York was a busy city. There was nothing like New York City. Sure there were big cities overseas but it wasn't the same. When I was younger I loved traveling here with my father on business trips.

"She's the best. The most loving, amazing human. I'm in love-I-I haven't told anyone but Blake and Alexia that." I smiled realizing how easy the words came out of my mouth.

"Who is Alexia?" Hailee quirked an eyebrow at the unfamiliar name.

"Alexia Putellas. She's the captain of the soccer team and deemed one of the worlds greatest soccer players. She's won the Ballon D'Or twice. Umm we liked kind of had sex or whatever-."

"WHAT?!" Hailee's eyes grew wide. She was shocked by the words that came out of my mouth. I knew she would be.

"Yeah so umm the mommy issues kicked in. Alexia is a few years older than me. She kind of took me in when I joined the team and well you know me and alcohol." I smiled awkwardly as I tried to explain the situation.

"But this Ona girl?" I smiled at the question.

"I really like her. We've been taking things slow until this last week I suppose..." She knew that I was a sex addict when I became comfortable with someone. Whoops could one even blame me?

Hailee and I talked about the drama in Barcelona so far. I told her about Lucy and the tension there. Then I had to admit the fuck up with Jake's visit. Then we got into who Ona was. She was smiling at the way I talked about her. Hailee could see how happy I am.

"What about you Ms. Steinfeld? Wanna tell me about a certain someone?" I teased her knowing about Mr. Allen.

"Oh who Josh?" Her face turned red.

"You needed a big boy."

"A massive man." She corrected me.

"Is Ona taller than you?"

I shook my head laughing. Obviously Jake was much larger than me. João was taller than me. Lucy is about the same size, but Mallory and Ona are both smaller. Which is funny. I'm bi and I like being dominated but the two people I fell the hardest for the two shorter ones.

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