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Aitana's POV

I held Ona in my arms as she sobbed. Her whole body trembling as I eventually she held her up. Damn it Blair. You broke my bestfriend.

You were supposed to be happy.

"Did you find her?" Mapi and Alexia re-entered the room and shook their head silently. Blair ran away and no one knows where she is now.

"(Ona come on drink some water or something.)" I rubbed circles across her back as we sat in the locker room.

In some ways I hated Blair right now but at the same time I couldn't blame her. Blair liked who she liked. She never did anything too flirty and she said she was going to take her time. Its not like her and Ona were even in a 'talking phase'. They were just friendly.

Blair said she was unsure since she wouldn't be here long. She can't do distance nor commit like Blake does. She was probably right for not dating Ona. It seemed like in every way she was trying to make the right choice but did it in the worst way possible.

"Blair didn't want to hurt you Ona...she genuinely cared about you a lot and if you heard half the things she said about you to us then you would get why she was being so hesitant about being with you." Blake tried to make her understand but I could tell Ona didn't want to listen.

"(Ona sweetie Blake is right.)" Mapi rubbed her arm trying to help comfort her.

"(I just want to be with her. I really like her.)"

She choked out the words as she finally opened her eyes. Heavy deep gasps being taken in as she finally tried to stop crying.

"(We know love.)" Alexia switched with me as she held Ona tight.

"(She let you...)"

"(We used each other for sex. Blair was not in love with me. She did not want to date me.)" Alexia stated bluntly trying to tell her that the situations don't compare.

"(Blair is probably scared of the feelings she has for you Ona...last time she liked someone the way she likes you she got her heart shattered...)" Blake again tried justifying her sisters action but Ona didn't want to believe anything coming for anyone.

"(I just want to go home.)" Ona mumbled and I grabbed her hand. She deserved to be alone right now and process things.

"(I'll take you home. Come on.)"

I gathered her items as Mapi helped walk her to my car. Only Mapi, Alexia, Blake, and I stayed to talk to her. We kept everyone else away so she wasn't too overwhelmed.

Patri especially since she can't seem to keep het mouth shut. Of course she had no bad intentions. Knowing Patri she probably didn't even realize what was going on between Ona and Blair. Now it doesn't seem like there will be an Ona and Blair.


I heard shouting from the other room as I sat on Blake's bed. I could only imagine what was being said in there. Blair finally came home but she didn't want to talk to anyone.

Luckily she'd been with Mallory so nothing bad would happen while she was vulnerable. I'm not sure what type of extreme Blair might go to if things got worse. I honestly barely knew her.

Blake returned to the bedroom and fell onto her back roughly on the bed. "She wants to cut her contract."

"What?! But if she goes?"

"Mallory and I would still be here for the season...I would stay." Blake said sitting up to look at me.

"(You promise you won't leave me just yet?)"

"(I promise love. You can't get rid of me yet.)"

Blake frowned as she laid back down and pulled me beside her to cuddle on the bed. I really thought that Ona and Blair would get together and that the two of them were about to be the happiest people in the world.

But Blair doesn't take risks.

She's a clinical person. She does what needs to done no matter how hard it is. She also knows that she is here to play soccer. As established Blair was twenty times more focused on her career and this made her lack that ability to live freely.

Blake on the other hand knew how to balance the different sides of her life. It almost seemed like soccer was second for her. Another reason why despite being her girlfriend I couldn't even argue she was remotely better than Blair. Blair was the better more famous twin but look what it cost her.

Look what it cost Ona.

I just pray this doesn't effect the whole team. We already saw practice get cancelled when Blair and Alexia had a fist fight in the middle of a scrimmage.

No offense to either girl but I just hope this stays out of the team. We need to focus on the season. We're professionals and just as Alexia and Blair managed to be professional Blair and Ona will need to do the same.

Barcelona, team of situations.

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