Club Ships

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Lucy's POV

I heard two knocks on my door and I shot up from my bed. Kiera gave me a small smile so I opened the door wider.

"Can we talk?"

"Always." I pulled her in and we sat on what used to be our bed. "What's on your mind?"

"I don't not want to be with you. I miss you Lucy. I know we went through a really rough patch but I don't want to lose you. I love you Luce."

"I love you too Kie. I was always here. You're not going to lose me. I know there's been so many new faces on the team but I was just waiting on you. Kiera those three girls...all they are is friends. Things are going to stay that way I promise."

"I should have trusted you all along. I was in the wrong for not." I shook my head and smiled.

"It's not your fault I'm so irresistible to so many people." Kiera punched my arm and I fell back laughing. I didn't lose my girlfriend but I lost one of my best friends. I truly believe she's my soulmate maybe both platonic and romantic.

"I'm so glad we're good though really. Besides I hope you realize both the twins are already in bed with people again."

"The hell? What do you mean what did I miss?"

"Aitana and Blake? You haven't noticed?"

"Yeah I mean I sensed something was going on there but like Blair isn't with anyone." I looked at her confused on what she knew.

"You're telling me you actually believed the whole locker room show? Alexia and Blair were with each other again after that. I'm telling you Blair is literally drooling every time she sees her. That says alot since Blair is a narcissistic asshole who usually doesn't have feelings for anyone else but herself."

"Hey she liked me!"

"Well you're also lowkey narcissistic so she found her match." I gasped but we both just bust out laughing again. I can't believe she said that. Well damn it is true though. I mean Blair and Blake are both extraordinarily narcissistic people. They're the nicest narcissists people ever though.

"Don't get mad at me for asking this because I am already nervous, but with the new players are you worried about playing time?"

Kie nodded silently and pulled up the instagram. She began scrolling through and showing me all of the promotions. They were posting so much about Bonmati this year after the world cup and then when the twins got signed Barca gained a lot of followers.

Not to mention the twin signing post got 9.8 million likes and 200k comments. The move over here for them sparked quite the conversation but the salary was the biggest topic.

Kiera is such a good and overlooked player. It infuriates me. She deserves so much more. I know Barcelona has a stacked team especially now but I just don't want Kiera to be shafted to the bench.

"Alexia isn't even getting as much attention. I wonder if it bothers her."

"Like I said I think she's a little busy right now." Kie wiggled her eyebrows and I laughed lightly. Weird thought to have.

"I just don't think that Alexia and Blair are sleeping together." I shrugged as we exited the app and just continued talking for hours.


Ingrid's POV

"Babe turn the music down!" I was trying to read but Mapi was in a mood. She was dancing around the kitchen as she made us lunch and acting silly as ever or should I say as always.

"(NEVER!)" I giggled a little bit giving up on getting her to stop. When Mapi is in fun mode she doesn't stop until she drops. She's relentless.

I would admit it is sort of fun to watch her mess around like this. She was such a goofy and happy person. Watching her play around as she made me an amazing looking meal isn't the worst thing that could interrupt me from reading.

"(I just got a text from Lucy. Wonze is back.)"

My arm shot up in victory as Mapi came and hugged me. We didn't like being the only two people on the team dating. I mean most of the girls were in a relationship but not on the team. Besides I'm a huge Wonze supporter.

Kiera and Lucy are as meant to be as Maria and I so if they aren't together that kills all hope I have in life.

The good thing is they're back.

"I'm so happy. They're meant to be together."

"(And I am meant to eat. Food is ready.)" I giggled as she placed my plate in front of me and sat down finally turning the music off.

"Gracias Mapi."

"De nada mi amor."

"I mean that kind of lifts the weight off of our shoulders from being the team couple you know."

"(Maybe if we were the only other team couple.)" I looked at her confused. What's that supposed to mean? I was under the assumption that it was me and Mapi then Kiera and Lucy. Who else is dating?"

"(Aitana's been real busy lately...)" I raised my eyebrows and waited for more information.

"Okay well there's a few possibilities there-is it Ona? I figured they were more than friends!"

"Umm no."

"Oh who then? I haven't paid attention to her much." I admitted and Mapi nodded "(Blake Laid got laid...)"

"No way! You're sure?"

"(Pretty certain from the snapchat that Aitana sent me.)" I did a fake gasp as we continued to eat our food.

"One twin taken, think Blair will get into a relationship with anyone here?"

"(I'm still half convinced she's straight honestly. I mean if she wanted one of the women on the team she's going after Alexia. I keep seeing the way she looks at her. Eye don't lie.)"

No they don't. Time to start watching them.

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