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Ona's POV

"(We get to scrimmage all day!)" Patri jumped up excited. Scrimmage days are super fun. They were the less tiring days but slightly more stressful in my opinion. This is when you can really prove your coaches you deserve that starting spot.

Especially with our first game next week...against real madrid. Everyone knows coaches stacked this team so we could counter Madrid's trade season moves. Barca brought me, Blake, and Blair in for a power trio. We obviously already have a full roster of talent but then they got even more.

"Hey! Are you excited for today?" Blair came up behind me with a smile. Coaches are convinced that we're going to do great things on the field together. We even had to stay a little bit longer here and there because they talked to us about different in game scenarios.

"Scrimmage days...they're fun." 

It's not that I didn't want to talk to Blair its just whenever I did talk to her I thought about João blowing her back out since that's the way Blake described it as to the team the other day in the locker room.

I really couldn't shake these feelings I had for her either. Then I just had a gut punch every time I saw Alexia and Blair make eye contact. There was such a thick tension there. It was unbearable to witness when I knew what happened.

Plenty of the other girls were clueless to the situation at that. So its not like I had anyone to really vent to. Maybe Aitana who was making more time for me but still always busy.

"Blair and Blake captains, choose your teams."

"This is painful." Blake frowned knowing she couldn't play with Blair. Also meaning one of them was going to lose and this would start a fight between them during practice.

"I know losing always hurts you."

"Just for that comment I get first pick." She rolled her eyes at her twin and scanned the group but I think it's pretty obvious who Blake would choose first. "Aitana."


"Alexia." Blake shot back but I doubt Blair would choose her. "Lucy."

"Hmm Patri." Interesting choice from Blake. She was building her midfield first.

"Ona." Oh shit Blair just picked me. Damn Blair has Mapi, Lucy, and I on a team.

"Jesus...umm oh Irene!"

"Ingrid." Another good choice. This was actually a good scrimmage. It was 7v7 instead of a full 11.

"Rolfo." Blake took the other best forward. Blake had Rolfo and her up front. Alexia, Aitana, and Patri in mid and only Irene so far.

"C G H." Blair motioned finally picking an offensive player.  Blair picked me, Mapi, Lucy, Ingrid, and Caroline.

"Lastly Jana."

"Kiera. Sorry for the loss you're about to go through." Blair shrugged cocky as our team gathered. Another fun thing with scrimmage day is that captain coached and came up with a plan.

"Alright. Mapi you're obviously my center. Lucy and Ona pick who plays right who plays left. Kiera and Ingrid you'll be my outside mids I'll play center. better be ready to score."

"If we lose this I'll never speak to you again Blair." Lucy joked around knowing good and well we're going to win.

"Yeah yeah Kiera get your girlfriend to get into position." We walked onto the field and Blair smiled at Blake before the coaches blew the whistle.

Things got very physical very quick. And by that I mean I got flattened by Blake as she went for a cross in. "What the hell Blake? You just took out my left back."

Blair jogged over and picked me up off the ground brushing everything off me before continuing play but now my head was not in the game at all. I'm not too sure anyones was anymore. Things just kept getting more and more heated until a fight broke out between Blair and Alexia after they were battling back and forth.

"Seriously what the hell is your problem!" Blair shoved Alexia back but then Alexia pushed her straight to the ground. Blair then swept Alexia's leg taking her to the ground too. The two began to exchange blows. The coaches were frantically blowing their whistles as Lucy and Blake separated the two. Both Lucy and Aitana pulling Alexia back as Blake pulled Blair away.

"(Thats it! Practice is over! ALEXIA, BLAIR MY OFFICE!)" Jonatan yelled at the two of them and they cooled off away from each other.

"What the hell just happened?" Keira stood there confused as she watched two other players follow Coach Costas away.

"Blake...what happened between those two?" Lucy asked as Blake stood confused in midfield.

"Recently nothing..." Aitana and Blake exchanged a look but I knew what happened. I just knew I couldn't say.

"(Ladies sorry about that go home for today.)" Jonatan's assistant coach told us all and half of us already sore slowly exited the field.

"(That was crazy.)" Aitana walked up to me and I nodded. "(Did Blake tell you what happened between them?)" Aitana gave me a small nod and put two and two together on how I knew about it all.

"(Blake and I were planning on going to her place after practice, wanna join? I promise I'll make Blake the third wheel.)" Aitana joked and I agreed to leave with them but first I wanted to check up on the other two.

"Ona...leave em be for the day. I know somehow you got pulled into that situation but just leave it be. Its for your own good you just stay away from Blair and Alexia before you get hurt." Lucy gave me small hug but it didn't seem to help the small pain in my chest go away.

"Ona...I know you like her but trust me when I say none of its worth it. She's's complicated."

"How did you know?" Lucy just pulled me in for a hug and held me tight for a few moments again.

I grabbed my bags and drove to Aitana's since Blake decided to meet at her house instead. Blake's probably just allowing Blair to have the house to herself when she gets home.

"Hey Ona." Blake opened the door for me and sat down on the couch opposite to Aitana who then held out her arms for me. I jumped into my best friend's arms and we began watching movies.

Well atleast there's one good thing from today.

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