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Mapi's POV

"LETS GO FUCKING PARTY BITCHES!" Kie yelled as we all got on the bus to a club. We didn't have another game for twenty days. So therefore tonight we party.

"Next on kill list is Chelsea." Blake joked as we took off. I was so glad that we got to go out as a team tonight. Everyone was pumped about the win tonight. It was the most Barca game this tournament.

"You played so good tonight babe." Ingrid kissed my cheek.

"As did you. I'm proud of the team tonight."

"Same here. Looking forward to the next stage. That is ofcourse after tonight. Because tonight we party. We are livin it up before we lockdown to focus even harder on Chelsea."

"(Yes ma'am.)" I squeezed her hand as we pulled up to the restaurant we were eating at before going out for the rest of the night.

"Let's go girls." Ingrid pulled me off the bus and we walked through the entrance.

"(Mmm I'm starving. This place looks so good.)" I hummed reading the menu.

"Don't hate me for this...are you nervous about Chelsea? I heard they're pretty good. We'll need to be in full form to beat them." I rolled my eyes at Ingrid's nervous over-analysis.

"Fuck Chelsea. We'll beat them no issue." Blake boasted somehow already having a drink as her girlfriend shook her head. Aitana couldn't handle that crazy girl sometimes.

"She's already had three shots." Aitana rolled her eyes but couldn't help but smile at her girlfriend. She loved every flaw of the forward.

"I'm having fun. Celebrate babe we won. We both scored. We're winnnnnners." She drug out her twin sister attempting to hold back a laugh next to me.

"Alright winner calm down a bit on the alcohol." Blair smiled shaking her head. She was sitting between me and Lucy at the opposite end of the table from her sister.

"God she's a riot." Lucy laughed as she too was drinking already.

"Aitana you've got her handled tonight right?" Blair smiled as Aitana shook her head.

"No ma'am your sister you deal with her."

"You're girlfriend your responsibility."

"Ok fuck both of you. I'll watch myself." Blake said jokingly annoyed.

"(Mapi I feel like this is technically our job.)" Alexia laughed and quickly shook my head.

"(Yeah no I am captain on the field everyone is on their own tonight unless they get stabbed or something.)" I teased.

"Aye aye captain." Blair smiled nudging my shoulder. We all quieted down for a few minutes as the rest of us read through the menu to find food or more alcohol.

The restaurant was nice and prepared to serve a party of our size. Hopefully we all had a nice dinner after the great win today.

"(Alright I wanna make a toast.)" I gathered everybodies attention as I stood up.

"(This team is a family. Obviously I'm the hotter older popular sibling-kidding kidding. But really...I love you all so much. I love playing with all of you. I love every single one of you that joined the team this year. I'm so proud of every single one of you girls every time we stand on that field. I never want to be on a different team. Barca forever.)"

"(Barca forever.)" Everyone raised their glass and cheered. "Love you too Mapi."

Blair held out her hand to grab mine and gave it a small squeeze. A small thank you for the help I've given her since she's gotten here. I really loved Blair. She took a second to grow on me, but she did.

"Ooo food is here." Lucy rubbed her hands together as she placed her napkin on her lap.

We were all so hungry. We dug right in demolishing all the food on our plate happy. My food was amazing. Ingrid was always a slow eater allowing me to always steal a bite off of her plate.

"Hey stop it!" I giggled as she slapped my hand away. "(Dessert anyone?)"

"Uh duh." Blair laughed as she grabbed the menu from the center of the table and we read it together. We both talked back and forth pointing at something and trying to decide.

"Okay this one." Blair laughed. Ona walking over to our side of the table with a small smile.

"Can I borrow that when you're done?"

"Come share my dessert with me." Blair pulled the smaller defender onto her lap and continued conversation with everyone else while we waited. Ona looked comfortable but still not happy.

Blair snuggled into the crook of Ona's next and sat silent for the following minutes listening to Lucy and Kiera talk to eachother. The four of them keeping pretty quiet and calm.

"Mmm desserts here." Ona got off of Blair's lap and they shared the chair as Blair picked up the spoon to take the first bite.

"Is it good?" Ona smiled at her. The midfielder clearly enjoying the dessert. Blair gave a small nodd and picked up the spoon gently guiding it into Ona's mouth. Hmm cute.

"You tell me." Blair told her in a borderline seductive tone. Her eyes set on the smaller defenders lips.

"Amazing." Ona mumbled out catching the midfielders eyes. The two finished their dessert and Blair pulled Ona back onto her lap.

"Everyone ready to go?" Alexia stood up after she paid for dinner using the team card.

We all walked outside of the restaurant and made our way down the street. The weather was nice and oddly enough the area wasn't terribly busy. Mostly people our age were out, but none were screaming fans.

All of the pleasant attributes flew out the window when we all heard a scream. It was Aitana. Aitana and Blake had waited further back because Aitana needed to use the restroom and they assured they'd catch up to us. Ingrid and I exchanged a look. Everyone frozen in their step.

Alexia, Lucy, and Blair took off sprinting towards the screams first then the rest of us did the same. I sprinted as fast as I could coming to a screeching halt as I saw the American forward on the ground. A giant pool of red laying beneath her.

I quickly turned around scanning for Blair terrified to see her eyes. Terrified to see Blake like this.

"BLAIR STOP!" Ona yelled out as the American midfielder ran after the man who stabbed her sister.

"Lucy, come on." I motioned sprinting after them as well. "Ona, watch Aitana."

I stopped the younger defender from chasing after too. I couldn't risk her getting hurt. Lucy, Alexia, and I can take them. We finally caught up to Blair who had the man on the ground. The knife laying next to them and her fists repeatedly colliding with the assailant.

Her hands bleeding from hitting him so hard. His body bruising and bleeding underneath her. "Blair stop!"

Lucy and Alexia pulled her off getting a few blows as well as she refused to stop hitting the man beneath her. A monster released inside of her. The strength of the girl uncontrollable at the moment.

"Blair the police are here." I pushed my forehead against her as she finally dropped her arms breathing heavy.

Her eyes closing as Lucy and I held her between us and Alexia began talking to the police explaining everything as we looked down the street at the ambulance arriving. Shit, Blake.

I looked back at the midfielder in my arms her breathing much calmer. Not a single tear in her eye just a look of pure hatred. Her gaze locked on the now handcuffed man. Her body loosened in our hold and Lucy released walking over to Alexia.

"(She'll be okay Blair.)"

"You should have let me."

"(Should have let you what?)"

"Kill him."

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