The Royal Wedding of Football

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Blair's POV

"{Blake, I love you. I'll see you down the aisle.}" I sucked in my bottom lip trying to hold the tears back.

"{I'll see you in a minute.}"

The next few moments felt like a blur. Next thing I know I'm standing at the front of the large wedding waiting for the brides to join us. The large center of the alter stood open leaving the small Spanish defender to be able to look over at me.

I smiled at how stunning Ona looked. When she finally caught me staring she sent me a small smile and mouthed an 'I love you' across the alter.

I can't wait until it's our day.

"(Here they come.)" Maria whispered behind me as they both walked down their seperate alters and up to the large stage.

Aitana looked like an actual princess. She was so beautiful and so pure. I couldn't be happier to officially call her family at the end of the hour. Even though she's been like a sister to me for awhile.

"We are gathered here today to witness the sacred union of Aitana Bonmati Conca and Blake Maeve Laid. We stand here to honor and celebrate the love between these two as they come together to start their new life with a solemn vow surrounded by their closet friends and families...and national teams and a lot of other people who matter to them. Nonetheless Blake and Aitana feel loved to have you all here with us today."

David opened the ceremony. Who better to marry Blake off then our big brother? The real man who has always cared for us and been by our side to protect us.

Holding back there tears is going to be so much harder than I expected. This was such a big day for Blake and I was so happy to see her this loved by someone. And looking at Aitana from behind Blake's shoulder I couldn't help but love the small Spanish girl who has changed the playboy twins life.

And it wasn't until the vows that I had refocused to the words leaving everyone's mouth.

"(Aitana, I promise to protect and love you every day on and off the field that we love to share. Through victory and injury I will always be by your side no matter what.)"

"Blake, I will always be by your side through every business meeting, every game, every moment of your life. I promise to love and cherish every moment that I get to be with you." They switched languages...

That's so adorable. They're so adorable. They always have been. From the first day I sensed that there was something different about Aitana. The way that Blake had talked about her was so different.

"By the power vested in me, I pronounce you wife and wife. I am happy to present to you Mrs. and Mrs. Bonmati. You may now -kiss the bride." David laughed as Aitana and Blake connected their lips before he could finish his sentence.

"WOOOOOO!" Almost everyone stood up and clapped at the two.

I leaned over and hugged David as a tear fell from my eye. My sister...married before me, who would have thought?


"Now I do have a special gift for the brides. If you know Aitana then you know that she loves a certain band by the name of Coldplay so without further ado..." I back away as the band came out and began singing one of her favorite songs.

"When she was just a girl. She expected the world. But it flew away from her reach, so she ran away in her sleep. And dreamed of


I smiled as I made my way over to Ona. Who was smiling big at my surprise for Aitana specifically. I wanted to do something special for her. As an official welcome to the family.

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