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Blair's POV

"Hey Linds."

"There's the superstar." My national team teammate walked over and gave me a small hug as we walked into the press conference.

"Nervous about the game?" I teased her but she gave a small nod.

"Your performance against Chelsea caused us to have a four hour tape review. Thanks for that..." I laughed a little as she rolled her eyes.

"It's gonna be a really good game."

"Yeah sucks you're going to lose your first champions league final." I smiled and shook my head at her comment.

"Yeah right. We'll see about that."

"I'll see you later Blair." We fist bumped each other and walked back to both of our captains and coaches.

"You're not friends until you win that game." Alexia looked at me sternly and the smile on my face dropped. I have her a small nod and stood there silent until we sat down for the interview.

"Alright first question."

"Blair, how is it reaching your first champions league final in such a dramatic fashion. Comparing Lyon's path here to Barcelona's do you believe this game could possibly go the other way today?"

"There's always two possibilities when you play the game. Win or lose, so yeah of course it could go their way but our team will do everything in our power to be the ones lifting that trophy at the end of the match."

"Lindsey how is it to be playing against your national team teammate in the final?" Lindsey laughed and looked over at me.

"I prefer winning with Blair but I'm against her today the goal is to beat her. Our team is prepared to go out and play and its not the first time Blair and I have played against each other on different teams. It'll be a great game today and a great battle in midfield between the two of us." I held back a laugh knowing I was going to destroy the Lyon midfield.

"Alexia, how do you feel about the new and young players on the team? Barcelona obviously has some of their senior and experienced players than you have some players on the younger end with such experience and talent such as Aitana, Blair, and even Ona Batlle. How do the older players adjust playing with these younger talents?"

"(It's not really an adjustment. Barcelona has always loved to focus on young talent. Blair, Aitana, Ona, and so many of the other girls have played so well this season and we had our rough spots so far with some outside factors but I believe in this team whole heartedly. They're such an amazing and talented group and I'm so lucky to be able to lead them.)"

Alexia really was an amazing captain. On the field she was focused and helpful. Off the field she dealt with soooo much shit all season. Mostly me, I was the shit she dealt with and that's a pretty big skill on its own.

"(Alright come on.)" Mapi tapped the table grabbing my attention and leaving the room. 

"Here." Alexia handed me my phone and headphones back. Thank goodness. I slipped them over my ears and turned them up to max volume. Time to focus.

It was an hour and a half until kick off.

An hour and half until we play to be the champion of champions.

I felt a small nudge against my knee and looked up at Mapi. She gave me a thumbs up and I nodded in response. She was checking to make sure I wasn't freaking out. I wasn't though. I was pretty confident we'd win this game today. I felt like I was about to have a good game.

I kept my eyes on the ground until I saw a familiar wrist tattoo on the hand that waved in front of my face. Blake caught my attention and motioned for me to follow her outside.

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