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Ona's POV

"Is it wrong if our locker room chant is Fuck Madrid FC?" Blake joked lightly punching her twins arm. Lucy, Kiera, Ingrid, and the twins all stood in a circle talking english.

"Dude we aren't even starting how are you going to already have beef with a team we've never played against?" Blair asked her confused.

I walked up to them and Blair gave me a small smile. I wasn't sure what happened between Alexia and her after the throwdown at practice but they seemed to be friendly but distant from each other. That being said she's spent more time with Blake and Aitana then they keep inviting me. She's also been around Lucy and Kiera more. Oddly enough she even had dinner with Mapi and Ingrid last night.

"I'm just saying I always go into I hate the other team made it makes me play better." Blake just shrugged. Blair just playfully rolled her eyes in response and walked away instead. Her headphones returned to her ears as she began changing into the home game kit.

I was honestly surprised by who coach decided to start. Starting line up was Lucy, Irene, Mapi, me, Alexia, Patri, Kiera, Fridolina, and Caroline. Neither of the twins were starting. Jonatan was probably using them as super subs these first few matches but it still felt odd.

"Ready Ona?" Lucy nudged my arm and I nodded as I couldn't help but watch our new number seven sit in her locker. Her knees tucked against her chest and her eyes closed. The music taking up all of her focus. It was playing so loud if you stood close you could hear it.

"As I'll ever be."

"You're going to do great today." Blake squeezed my shoulder as Aitana tied her last boot.

"Nobody bother her by the way. Alexia get her when we all have to be out." Alexia nodded silently as she looked over at the other midfielder in her locker.

"What happens if you bother her?" I asked Lucy and she smiled. "Pregame ritual Ona just leave her be."

"(You're going to do great today.)" Patri came up beside me as we walked out onto the field. Real Madrid was a much more stacked team. More players joined the Spanish league this season after we won the World Cup.

"(I hope so. Not trying to make Jonatan regret signing me. Real looks like quite the threat this year. I know we're still the better squad.)"

"(Of course we are. We have the Ballon d'Or winner and Uefa player of the year besides the twins are no joke. They just need a team to keep them healthy. Barca has good management. Besides you get to play with Lucy. She's a great mentor for your position.)" I nodded at Patri as my right foot hit the pitch first as I always do.

"(I'm just so glad to be back home.)" I smiled watching fans fill the stadium. The whole place playing music for pregame warm ups and etc. a few minutes had gone by and and only Alexia, coach, the team doctor, and Blair hadn't come out yet.

"Blake." I grabbed the twins attention and she jogged over. "Where is Blair?"

Blake quickly looked around confused then spotted Jonatan's assistant coach. She ran over to her and began asking her questions with quite a bit of concern on her face. Only a few moments later Alexia, Blair, Jonatan, and the trainer walked out all focused on the American midfielder who's right quad was now all taped up.

"Oh shit..." Aitana and Ingrid exchanged a look while the coach stood at the sideline with the two players. Maybe that's why they were taking so long. I wasn't aware that Blair was possibly injured already. Maybe all of this was just preventative action.

The number seven didn't make it to the midfield to warm up. Only minutes later coach called us back to the sideline and anthems were next. I could tell my nerves were amping up now. Everything finally started to hit me. As soon as the we walked over to the bench to put or jackets with the coaches I took a huge breath in. My heart was pounding out of my chest now.

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