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Alexia's POV

"Alexia, Blake, Ona, Aitana, Blair, Jana. Come speak to me for some post practice things." I exchanged a look with Aitana and followed her over to coach.

"Your favorite things ladies, media. I need you to shower than report to the main building for some photos with the men's players." Coach told us and dismissed us to go clean up.

"God I hate photos." Blair rolled her eyes but I couldn't help but snicker. "Yeah I bet you look awful in them."

"Shut up." Blair pushed past me rolling her eyes.

We all showered quickly as coach said and went over to the main building. We were met with the club's social media team and a group of the men's players. I was quickly reminded that Ona is new here. Blake and Aitana were "talking". Jana is super shy. And last but not least Blair is Bi. She likes to mess around every where.

Pedri, Frenkie, Gavi, and João all gravitated towards her. She didn't mind the attention in settings like this. Gavi and Pedri were a little young for her however João and Frenkie are just the right age and João being newly single. Either they really thought she was hot or she was being funny in the moment because they were all smiling and laughing around her.

"(New players huh?)" Lewandoski approached me and I nodded keeping my eyes on our new number seven.

"(I've heard good things about them. That new little right back is from your national team, correct?)"

"Si, Ona."

Robert as much as I'd love to chat I have more important people to give my attention to. We walked over to all the boys circled around the one girl as Jana, Aitana, Ona, and Blake talked over by the media director.

"(Alexia, nice to see you again.)" Gavi gave me a shy smile as he took a step back allowing me to stand near the female midfielder.

"I see you are all meeting Blair. Isn't she lovely? I do believe we have to go change into some kits but we will be right back." I grabbed her hand and pulled her towards all the other girls.

"They were nice. Maybe we'll go grab a meal after all of this." She shrugged as she followed me or got dragged behind me.

"Why are you holding my hand so tight. Chill." She shook her hand loose and looked at me confused.

"(What the hell are you doing?)" She looked at me confused and then all facial expressions dropped.

"I was just meeting some of the guys what's wrong with that?" Is she fucking kidding me?

"(You're trying to avoid me and the situation but I wanna talk about things before you start just hooking up with every guy on the men's squad!)"

"(I'm not hooking up with anyone? They were just introducing themselves. And yes I am avoiding you and the situation because we need to talk but I don't want to. Just leave me alone.)" She pulled away from me and grabbed the kit that they gave her to change into. I quickly grabbed mine and followed her into the changing room.

"Listen...I know I was hesitant at first-." I started and even spoke English so she knew I meant what I said. However she cut me off.

"No. You don't get to double back now. Whatever happened that night is not happening again. I can't even remember shit from it because I was so wasted. Just leave me alone Alexia. We had sex once and now all of the sudden you want me? What message does that send?" She crossed her arms against her chest waiting for me to answer.

"I know that seems bad-."

"It is bad...If I'm going to be liked for my body or shallow reasons than I might as well go hook up with one of those guys because they aren't going to try and keep me a secret." Her voiced cracked a bit as she fought back tears.

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