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Blair's POV

"No headphones...what's going on?" Blake teased me as we sat in the locker room. Mallory was braiding my hair anyways so they would be in her way. I just didn't feel nervous for once. I wasn't stressed coming into this game I was just happy.

"I'm just chillin." I told her casually.

"One more game."


"I'm gonna miss you two."

"We promise to fly you back to visit and you know we'll be home soon during the breaks." Blake seemed a little more sad than I was oddly enough. I was happy that Mallory was going to be back with Dansby. She missed the dude so much. Besides now both Blake and I in a relationship it would have gotten real lonely real fast.

I'm just glad that Ona and I are able to spend time apart comfortably. I think its a healthy boundary we'll be able to keep. But if she ever needs me I'll only be minutes away.

"I know I'll see you again. I'm really happy for the two of you. You both found amazing girlfriends and you love it here. I know it was a risk to come here but you're so happy. I get why you're staying." Mallory finished up my hair as the three of us had a group hug.

"Hey Mallory..." Alexia stood shyly a few feet away. "Umm on behalf of the team we just want to thank you for playing with us this season. You were a really great teammate and a great player." Alexia told her softly.

"All I ask is you all go out and win this one last game so these two can stay here and be happy." She held our hands and smiled.

"Oh we're not letting them leave." Mapi told her as we exchanged a smile.

"Come on Mal, we have a suprise for you." I grabbed her hand and pulled her out of the locker room. I knew she'd be so happy to see Dansby at her last game.

I would like to lie to myself and say that Mallory liked playing for Barcelona but I don't think this was her place. She did it to come be with Blake and I. I know she missed Dansby a little too much.

"What's my surprise?" She asked eagerly as we made our way out of the tunnel. I smiled as I pointed at the Chicago Cubs player. Mallory's mouth opened big as she began to jump up and down.

"Oh my god Dansby!" She ran over and quickly jumped up to the stands to hug her hubby.

"We flew him out and he's booked on the flight home with you as well. Blair and I didn't want you to travel back home alone." Blake smiled at the happy couple.

"Thanks you guys I love you." We both hugged her and walked away to allow her a moment with him.

"So no headphones today? You're pretty relaxed today. I love to see you like this B." Blake smiled as I nodded with a big smile as we waved to a few fans.

"I'm really happy with her...I don't know maybe being with the right person has opened my eyes up a bit. You were right soccer isn't everything. That being said our connection on the field goes crazy." I smiled as Blake just pulled me in for a hug.

"I'm happy you're happy."

"What do you say we get a usa salute if Mallory or I score today?" Blake smiled and nodded eagerly. She was still currently out with a concussion but she was supportive from the sideline.

"Let's win this."


"YES MALLORY!" I jumped in the air as I saw the ball go off Mallory's foot and into the goal.

"Hey Usa salute with Blake." Mallory nodded as we jogged over to the sideline in front of the bench. Blake jumped up and saluted us as we did the same.

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