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Ona's POV

"Come on let's go talk somewhere more private." Blair gently held my hand as she pulled me out of the locker room.

"Now that you'll actually acknowledge me. Thank you for having my back on the field today but please don't get ejected from the game on my defense." I told her looking at her eyes trying to read any reaction at all.

"Ona I'm always going to protect you. I literally cannot control who I care about like that."

"So you care about me still but you don't even want to be around me." I frowned knowing that she says this but it doesn't mean much.

"I didn't know how to be around you knowing I'd hurt your feelings. It broke me to see you like that in the locker room that day then for it to be my fault. I didn't want to be around you at all. I fucking hate myself for hurting-."

"No no no. Blair please-I-I know you would never want to hurt me but it hurts worse that you're still here but so distant."

I grabbed her hands as she held her head low. I was heartbroken that day. I thought we had something going then found out she slept with that Jake guy. She was probably just drunk again. I never let her explain. She never gave me the chance to let her explain.

She took a deep breath and let it out again as she pulled our hands out to the side then disconnected so she could pull me into a hug. I gently rested my head against her shoulder and collarbone.

"Can we please just be friends again?"

"I want nothing more than that now." She whispered in my ear. Her lips kissing my forehead as she gave me a tighter hug.

"Good because I miss my favorite American."

"And I miss my favorite little Spaniard. I haven't been the same without spending time with you. I've been enjoying being on the field because...I don't know on the field we still had a connection. You've assisted over half of the goals I've scored."

"I know it made me happy because then I got to see that smile again." I smiled at her like a little kid.

"So we'll just be friends now again?"

"Yeah Blair. We can be good friends again." I reassured her as she looked at me cautiously. I know she misses me which made me happy but I know deep down part of me will still want to be more than friends every time I'm around her.

"I wish we had more time together."

"Let's enjoy it while it lasts." I grabbed her hands giving them a small squeeze. I couldn't keep my hands off of her. I just wanted to be in her arms for the rest of the day but I could tell she was still hesitant to the touch.

"I'm going to go talk with Jonatan...I'll see you later." She placed her hand on my shoulder for a moment as she walked past.


"(I'm inviting them.)" I rolled my eyes at Aitana's stubbornness. She was adamant about Blair and Blake coming over. I know that Blair and I talked yesterday but it didn't feel like much changed after that.

She hasn't text me. She hasn't answered anything I sent her. She's just back to being alone again. Blake text Aitana stating she was on her way and by the singular noun used I knew that meant Blair wasn't coming.

I should have known that she'd want time to process everything going on today. Besides she had a bad game yesterday there's a chance she's practicing or something. She often does practice more than everyone else. I suppose that's what made her the best.

"(Do you think things between you two will get better?)" Aitana asked me softly taking a seat next to me. She opened her arms so I melted into them.

"(I wish.)"

"(This will pass.)"

"(Hopefully sooner than later.)"

We were interrupted by the front door of Aitana's place opening. I guess Blake has a key.

"[I just want to be left alone still]." Blake and Blair walked in speaking French. They must have purposely been doing so because Aitana and I do not speak French.


Aitana raised an eyebrow at Blake annoyed. But it wasn't technically Blake speaking French it was Blair trying to avoid being understood. I was surprised to see her here honestly.

"(What have you two been up to?)" Blake pulled Aitana down to her couch. Blair sitting away from both them and me.

"(We were just talking. Not too much.)"

"(Ona how are you feeling after the game yesterday? You got pretty beat up by the other team..)" Blake asked me concerned.

"(I'm just a little sore but I'm fine.)"

"(What's sore?)" Blair's attention peaking towards me.

"(I feel on my neck and back a few tires so it's just a little tight now. I'm going to go talk to the trainer's tomorrow-.)"

"Come here." Blair stood up and motioned for me to lay on the blanket on the ground that she quickly placed. I looked over at Aitana nervously but did what she said.

"(Fun fact Blair has got to be the best at getting soreness out of your neck and back. She basically could be one of the team trainers.)"

"(I think I prefer her on the field more.)" Aitana laughed.

"(Take your shirt off and lay down on your stomach.)" My eyed grew for a second but I stopped my reaction to her request and quickly did as she said. I made sure I was facing away from everyone.

Even though Aitana has been with me when we go out to the ocean or swimming. The twins have not. I wasn't anything under the crew neck. I could tell that she was looking at all of the tattoos for a moment until she remembered we weren't alone.

"(Aitana I could teach Blake how to loosen your back and neck as well or you can just watch either way. Feels amazing after and well during.)" She smiled looking down.

"(When did you learn how to do this?)"

"(Blake used to land on her neck alot.)" Blair and Blake smiled at each other and laughed a bit for a second.

Her hands started right between my shoulders blades rubbing small circles slowly increasing the pressure as she moved around. When she got up to my neck she was gentle but effective. I already felt so much better.

"Oh my god..." I smiled with my eyes closed.

"(Take notes.)" I heard Aitana slap Blake's arm to make sure she was paying attention.

"Feeling better?" Blair basically whispered to me and I hummed in response.

"God you're amazing with your hands." It wasn't until it came out of my mouth that I realized how it sounded.

"So I've heard." Shortly after that she finished and handed me my shirt back. She got up and walked away asking Aitana where her bathroom was.

"(That was kinda hot.)" Aitana whispered to me as Blake ran to the kitchen to grab a drink.

"(Shut up!)" I felt my face turn red.

The feelings were in full force now.

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