L.A. Life

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Blair's POV

"I'm so glad the two of you agreed to come with me!" I squealed as Hailee and Alba boarded the private jet with Blake and I. I had a pretty packed past few days in New York but it was time to head out to L.A. now. I love both L.A. and New York but something about the party I was planning on had me so excited.

"Please as if we would want to turn down the offer to be with our favorite soccer players." Alba smiled sitting in my lap.

"Smile." Hailee took a picture of the two of us and captioned it. 'Catch flights not feelings'. I rolled my eyes at the silly phrase as I posted it on my instagram story. I've been doing plenty of that since I returned stateside.

"I missed being with you!" Alba, now Evans, giggled in my arms as we waited for the plane to be able to leave.

I felt my phone ring and smiled. Alexia. I quickly answered it as Alba got up from my lap. Her face appeared across the screen. Why was she calling me from her car?

"Hey love, what's up?" This caught Hailee's attention.

"(Hey, I was just checking in on you. Seeing how the trip was going.)" This voice however caught Blair's attention.

"[Why is she calling you?]"

"[Calm down]" I rolled my eyes at Blake and turned my focus back to the call.

"Everything is going great. Blake, Hailee, Alba, and I are on the jet right now about to head to L.A." Hailee and and Alba watched curiously as the phone call went on.

"Is that Ona?" Hailee asked me trying to look over at the screen.

"No, Alexia. Ona usually speaks English if I am. Alexia is much too stubborn to." I smiled but Hailee gave me an odd look. I told Hailee everything that happened between Alexia and I. Alba however was sitting there absolutely clueless. She only knew that I had a girlfriend and her name was Ona.

"Alexia?" Hailee questioned and quirked an eyebrow. I gave a silent nod.

"Hmm interesting." Blake and Hailee exchanged a look. Oh god I do not need those two to team up on me. Alexia is still important to me. She's literally Alexia Putellas.

I've looked up to her recently then I found out I would be her teammate. Then we kissed. Then we had sex and everything was escalating then stopped. Sure I love Ona but I still had feelings for the captain. Who could blame me?

Well Blake could. I know that Blake yelled at her at dinner, but she shouldn't. Alexia supports my relationship with Ona. She's the one who helped Ona out that night. Ona never would have known to do those things while we were having sex. Only Alexia has ever done that to me.

Alexia and I only talked for a minute longer before I ended the call. I didn't want the glares from Blake to last any longer.

"Am I missing something?" Alba asked confused. I could tell she didn't want to but couldn't stand the awkward tension and being out of the loop.

"Oh Alexia is Blair's soccer team captain...who she fucked." Hailee stated bluntly and I shook my head.

"Its not even a big deal anymore-."

"You literally fell in love with her-got your heartbroke then boom she has feelings again for you now that you have a really, really fucking amazing girlfriend. Have you even called Ona once?! When's the last time you text her?! Alexia calls and you drop everything." Blake was pretty upset on Ona's behalf.

"I didn't drop anything. Ona hasn't called me what's the big deal? I'm not doing anything wrong here. Worry about your own relationship Blake."

"You don't think I am. Unfortunately you are dating my girlfriend's bestfriend and our teammate. There's no way I won't be involved in this mess."

"Oh so now my relationship is a mess?" I asked her laughing. What the hell is her problem? Is she just mad that Alexia chose me? Blake is the one who wanted to get in bed with basically everyone on the team.

"HEY SHUT THE FUCK UP BOTH OF YOU!" Hailee stopped us. Alba tried to hold back her laughter from the other actress' outburst.

"Don't the two of you have some pact to not let relationship issues cause you to fight?"

"This is different Hailee."

"It doesn't sound like that." Alba told Blake with a small smile. "You two have clearly not been spending as much time together. That needs to change. I think you're forgetting how inseparable the two of you are supposed to be."

Alba was always so calm, and sweet, and happy. It's part of the reason I had feelings for her. I really liked her, but we didn't even try to date. We both just admitted we liked each other then moved on.

"She's right Blair."

"I know but you started dating Aitana so soon and you seemed so happy and the relationship was different. I figured for once maybe it was good to live our own lives and be Blake and Blair rather than just 'the twins'. I liked the difference." I admitted to her. I was originally hurt to see how much time Blake spent with Aitana but accepted it.

"We can still be both." Blake assured me with a smile. Maybe we needed this fight.


"Blair Kennedy Laid? Do my eyes deceive me?" I smiled at the voice of the shorter girl.

"Talia I don't know your middle name Ryder." I pulled her into a tight hug. I was glad to see her but I wasn't expecting to in L.A. we were meant to meet up in New York.

"What are you doing here?" I let go and walked to the bar with her. We both grabbed a drink as we exchanged our latest news.

"So anyone lucky in Spain?" She asked me after a break of silence.

"There might be someone." I blushed as she waited for more. "Whose the lucky guy?"

"Her name is Ona Batlle. She's a teammate."

"Oh shit really? That's dope." She quickly took in the answer. I'm glad there hasn't been any 'oh so you're like gay now' reactions. I didn't want to deal with that conversation.

"She's lucky you know." I turned my head to Talia curious. "Blair you're not that oblivious. I kissed you because I really liked you. You just didn't want to accept that."

"I'm sorry?" I almost asked more than I told her. What was I supposed to say to that?!

"No don't be I'm glad that someone actually got through. You deserve to be with someone. Even if it wasn't me or Hailee or Alba or literally every other person you've seen so far who also happened to like you and you happened to ignore."

Shit. My bad.

If I'm this bad and oblivious how did I immediately notice Ona. How did I fall for Alexia if I was just emotionless. If I was so closed off what changed in Spain?

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