Fight For It

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A\N: All my regular read that mad fast so here ya go again I guess.🫡

Blair's POV

We won it all.

I did it.

Yet if I didn't have her in my arms soon I knew my heart would shatter.

"Hey." I finally sprinted to the right room. Ona sat on the bed with a few tears in her eyes.

"We did it. We won Ona. You're a champion." She had a wave of relief across her face and she placed her face in her hands and began sobbing.

"No no no. What's wrong?"

"I don't know what's wrong with my knee." I quickly stepped forward and pulled her into my arms. The small defender sobbed into my chest as I comforted her.

"You're gonna be okay Ona. I promise."

"I know. It just really sucks right now."

"It doesn't have to. You just won the Champions League. We did it, Batlle." I smiled big as I pulled her into the hug tight again.

"It's not fair you know."

"What?" I leaned back and took a step back from the defender.

"It's not fair. I love you. I'm so obsessed with you. So insanely in love with you and you don't think I'm ready to be with you. You don't think it will work out but you're wrong. I have this incredibly selfish feeling to want to be your favorite person. I hate that I still want you in my life, but if loving me is the hardest thing you have to go through then so be it because I deserve to be with you. I know the way you look at me is different than any other human being on this Earth. And I know there is absolutely nothing perfect about the two of us being together but you have to get the fuck over it. My dad alway told me to never give up on something I can't go a day without thinking about and I can't keep those beautiful eyes off my mind. Please tell me I meant something Blair. Tell me that you still love me. Tell me that we can work things out. Because if anything you don't deserve me but I want you! And maybe I'm crazy for thinking you'd do anything for me because I'd do absolutely anything for're it you're my person Blair. So please don't give up on us."

I felt my breath stutter. I couldn't breathe. After everything that was said I stood there with a froze expression.

The change in conversation took me off gaurd.

"With a heart like that you deserve the world and you're waisting your time one me? I don't deserve you."

For fucksake. That's all I could say? Out of everything she said. Her whole heart just poured out to me and all I could admit is that I don't deserve her?

My eyes watered and my bottom lip trembled as Ona began to smile. She knew exactly what I was feeling right now.

"No you don't, but I'll give you another chance if you'll take it." The tears began running from my face as I nodded my head and stepped closer to her.

"I'm sorry Ona. I love you. I just wish I knew how to show you." I choked out as she pulled me in for a hug.

"I love you enough to show you how. I promise Blair." She rubbed circles in my back as I absolutely sobbed into her shoulder. I don't deserve her.

No one deserves her yet I was still lucky enough to be the one she decided to choose.

"Would you stop crying and just kiss me." I choked out a laugh and looked up at the beautiful girl in front of me. I took a deep breath before slowly leaning in and gently connecting our lips again.

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