Girl's Trip

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Blair's POV

"Pack your bags." I walked into Aitana and Blake's room with a big smile. With the two of them being engaged I wanted to give them a gift as a congratulations. So I booked Ona, Blake, Aitana, and I a big trip to Vegas and Disney World. Disney World of course being first on the list. Because no way can we go stupid in Vegas then hike across theme parks after.

"What exactly are we packing for?" Blake quirked an eyebrow at me confused.

"I booked a group of us a trip as a congrats for your engagement duh." I stuck my tongue out at her and Blake smiled.

"A trip that sounds like fun!" Aitana beamed joyfully behind her new fiancé.

"Okay but where exactly is this trip?"

"Disney World and Vegas. Paid for and I don't care what you have to say."

"Blair that's a ton of money and effort to schedule all of that. You did not need to be that extra." Blake chuckled to herself as she walked over to her dresser.

"So be packed and ready to fly out at six?" I smiled and their eyes grew big.


"Yeah I need to go tell Ona. Everyone else knew but it was a surprise for you three."

"What airline?" Aitana asked confused. Blake and I just both laughed to ourselves.

"Babe...we use private jets. Wait group?" Blake corrected her and Aitana blushed from embarrassment. I shrugged off the second half of Blake's comment. She'll find out later.

"Yeah forgot about that."

"I know which is why we love you and Ona." I smiled as I began walking towards their door.

"What do we love about Ona?" Ona walked in and I smiled even bigger. "Everything."

I pecked her lips and pulled her out of the room. My open suit case was already on my bed. Probably why Ona was coming to find me. Any time she hears the word travel she panics. Sorry for the ptsd babe.

"Why is your suitcase out?" Ona frowned as she pulled me in by my hands.

"Same reason yours is about to be. We're going to Disney World and Vegas for Blake and Aitana's engagement."

Ona's eyes lit up as her arms and legs flew around me. I picked her up or well held her up and kissed her cheek before placing her on the bed laying on top of her. I lightly kissed her neck a few times then got up when I realized we have to pack quick.

" a little carried away." I blushed as I walked over to my drawer with my hands on my hips. I felt a pair of arms slowly slip around my waist and lips softly press against my neck.

"(How long are we going for?)"

"(We'll be gone a total of fifteen days.)"

"(Who is we by the way?)"

"(Hmm I kind of want to keep that a surprise.)" I teased her.

"(So it's not just Aitana, Blake, you, and me? Interesting do Blake and Aitana know?)"

"They know it's a group. You're distracting me! You need to pack too. Come on go go." I pushed her off of me and quickly began grabbing clothes.

"I'm basically using most of your clothes."

"You're always wearing most of my clothes." I laughed as I entered my bathroom. The two of us were so excited that we packed in record time.

"BLAKE AITANA LETS GOOO." I yelled through the house as we carried our suit case and duffel bag downstairs.

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