Mini Me

386 17 1

Blair's POV

"Alright well, coffee went well. Now to go face Ona...I can't break up with her. I just...I have to figure out the right words to say. I should apologize for how I've been acting lately." I frowned as I laid back in the seat.

"You'll be okay." Aitana gave me a nodd as we pulled into Alexia's place.

"We'll just forget last night."

"She will if you will." Aitana gave my hand a squeeze as we walked up to Alexia's door.

"You're feeling okay after last night right?" Aitana stopped me at the door holding a hand up to my face.

"I am fine Aitana. I just need a little Ona hug. She was drunk and we know Mapi and I have been suggestive." I shrugged and gave a small knock on Alexia's door.

"Oh hey you two." Leila opened the door to Alexia's place to let us in.

"On scale of 1-10 how hungover is she?" Leila just answered me with a headshake and smile.

"Blair? Hey..."

"Morning." I smiled as I opened up my arm to let the younger defender throw herself into me.

"How ya feelin?"


"I thought you knew alcohol isn't your friend. What happened to never drinking as much as you did at Epcot ever again?" I kissed her forehead as I moved her infront of me.

"I know I'm sorry for how I acted. Last night was not okay...are you upset with me?" Ona asked me as I backed us away from everyone else.

"Nah. I'm not going to survive six bullets to let some stupid tequila shots get between us." I grinned as I leaned down to kiss.

"I am really sorry for the way I acted. Alcohol or not it wasn't fair for me to treat you like that and apparently I hurt you. And called you some bad things that I don't remember...what did I say?" Ona asked me innocently that I found it cute and decided it was best not to repeat what she blurted out.

"Hmm let's not worry about that."

"I love you. Even if I'm acting stupid. I'll always love you."

"Hmm good, come on."

"(Hmm look at you two being able to get over one another's dumbass mistake without breaking up.)" Alexia walked up with that famous Putellas smirk. She wrapped Ona and I in a hug.

"Thanks for taking care of her last night."

"Always. Cared about her before I even met you. Besides she's crazy but still more tame than you when you're drunk." Alexia's eyes went wide for a moment before looking away.

"Please you-sorry. I'll stop making comments like that." I cracked a smile as Ona gave a pouty look.

"Don't give me that look." I began placing soft kissed agressively across Ona's face as I leaned into her body.

"(You're not cleared to have sex yet.)" Alexia reminded us and I groaned. She was right I wasn't actually allowed to do something like that yet since I was still healing.

"(I cannot wait for that day.)"


"You brought it up." I playfully poked Alexia before we rejoined the group.

"(Blair...I'm sorry about last night.)"

"Hey Mapi." I almost whispered. I wasn't aware Mapi was here.

"(Why don't the three of you go talk.)" Aitana nudged and I agreed. Ona helping me up once again.

"(I'm sorry Ona...I shouldn't be making any advances or acting the way I do towards her. She's yours and Ingrid is mine. I'll stop crushing on your girlfriend.)"

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