Let the Games Begin

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Ona's POV

"(Good morning.)" Aitana pulled me into a hug as I got out of bed. Bless Blake for being the sweetest person lately. I'm pretty happy around Blake and Aitana.

"(I appreciate you for staying with me this weekend. I know it kills you not to be rooming with Blake.)" I teased her but she shook her head. The past few days or weeks Blake, Aitana, Mapi, Alexia, and Patri have been super supportive of me.

Aitana returned to being my bestfriend again like we used to be. She was spending so much time with me. I know it's because they think the break up is getting to me. I'm okay with it though. I understand now why she did it.

Blair's been much quieter since she ended things. She wasn't happy to break up with me like I originally thought.

She mostly talked to Blake, Lucy, and Alexia. She would still talk to me if I approached her and she would hug me and do a friendly kiss on the forehead but she tried to keep distance as much as possible.

Blair was rooming with Alexia for this trip which sucked because it made it so much harder for me to talk to her.

"(Blake doesn't mind. She apparently enjoys rooming with Fridolina. The two of them get along well.)" I nodded as I checked my phone. We had some free time today.

-Would you like to go on a walk?-

I scanned the text again to make sure I read the right name attached. It was Blair. She wasn't playing in the first few Champions League matches unfortunately but she'd back on the field further into the tournament.

"(Blair text me.)"

"(Wait what did she say?!)"

"(Would you like to go on a walk?)"

"(Go!)" Aitana shoved me out of the room before I could even grab my key card back from her. I walked down to the hall and hesitated infront of the door.

I gave a light knock and the door opened to Alexia. Her hair was wet from being in the shower but she immediately opened the door further for me to enter the room.

"(Blair text me.)" I held my phone up as I shyly entered the room.

"Oh-I didn't see your answer." Blair walked out of the bathroom. She was wearing my sweatshirt. What the hell why was she in my sweatshirt.

I gave my sweatshirt before we started dating. She had it in our original talking phase before the whole club incident with her ex boyfriend. I forgot about that until.

"Is that mine?"

"Oh yeah I was packing and it was out in my room. Do you umm do you want it back?"

"No." I shook my head and forced a smile.

"Come on." She gently grabbed my hand and led me out of the room. She didn't release our hands until we made it into the elevator.

"You're going to do great tomorrow."

"I wish you were playing." I looked over at her but her eyes refused to meet mine. She just played with the bandage on her still injured hand. Good thing that it can be brushed off as a training injury.

"I'll be back soon."

"I know but I still miss being on the field with you." I told her. I still miss being with you is really all I wanted to say.

"I know we'll get back to being the duo we were. Maybe you'll score again." She teased me referencing the Real Madrid game in which we both scored. The game that she kissed me for the first time.

"Do you still care about me Blair?"

"More than anything, why?" She didn't even let me take a breath. She answered the question with absolutely no hesitation.

"Then why did we break up?"

"Because you're not ready to date me." How were these answers coming so easy to her. She was so emotionless.

"What does that even mean?!" I immediately apologized for raising my voice but Blair just smiled. "You're okay love." She rubbed my shoulder supportingly.

"So what exactly is it that you're looking for? What makes it that we can get back together?"

"Ona would you be hurt if I wanted to move on?" She stared at me blankly.


"I don't want the opportunity to hurt you again. I think its the safer choice. I love you but I don't want to break your heart again."

"I know now Blair. Didn't I technically break yours?" I raised an eyebrow.

"No you don't. You don't know how to handle me nor should you have to deal with my issues. You're so much better than me, Batlle."

"No. I'm not." She had small smile on her face as she silently nodded. As we walked the street she stayed close to me but kept looking around in all directions.

"What are you looking out for?"

"Umm nothing." She shook her head as her face turned a little red.

"You're protecting me?" I questioned her and she shook her head. "No-I mean yeah I'm just watching. Nothing wrong with that."


She stood on the street side of sidewalk. Every time we have to walk around people she held her hand lightly on my lower back. Atleast there was signs that she still really cared about me in more than a friendly way.


Lucy's POV

"Guess who I just saw together."

"Ingrid and Mapi?" Kiera gave a random guess but I shook my head.

"Ona and Blair."

"Oh nice-maybe."

"It's crazy to think why she broke up with Ona. Like it makes all the sense in the world but it sucks..." Kiera mumbled on and held back a laugh which annoyed her.


How does she not realize what I find funny. Kiera literally broke up with me when she got jealous. She got mad about me being nice to Ona and Ona being too nice to me.

Kiera literally had nothing to worry about. Its hard to deal with someone that lacks confidence. I dated Blair and I know how strong someone's confidence has to be to date her. I'm confident and it makes me happy.

"Kie...you literally broke up with me for the opposite reason."

"I had every reason to believe you liked-."

"No. Kiera you're all I want. Ona actually has reason to be afraid that Blair would choose someone else. You and I are just soccer players and we've known each other so much longer."

"Yeah I mean somethings between them did feel rushed. I know this is horrible but like Ona was dating out of her 'league' sort of." Kie said cautiously.

"Maybe. Who knows what will happen all that matters to me is that we're together." I grabbed her hand and held it content.

Aitana and Blake. Mapi and Ingrid. Blair and Ona. Doesn't matter. Kiera and I were the best together. Mapi and Ingrid were cute but I just truly believe we were the best couple.

"We're the best though." I boasted confidently and of course Kiera agreed.

"Well duh."

"You know that now though right? There's no one in the world that I love more than you. Ona, Blair, Blake-any of them they don't compare to you."

"I know how much you love me. I love you so much too Luce." She pulled me in for a hug. Take notes everyone else.

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