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Alexia's POV

-(Can we talk?)-

I couldn't help but stare at the text on my phone. Olga Rios...the name didn't make me smile anymore. Someone's else did. I threw my phone down and placed my hands over my face. I don't know what I want.

I want Blaire but I don't want to date her. I know it'll go south before we can even start the relationship. I had every intention of keeping Blair around but not like that.

"Morning." Blair stretched next to me. Her bare back facing upwards. As her hair fell gently to the opposite side. She smiled with her eyes closed as she rest her head against my pillow. I was sitting up gently resting against the back board.

"Do you think I'm making a mistake?"

"(Odd question to ask while naked in someone's bed.)" I quirked an eyebrow and she smiled. She began to sit up holding the sheet against her body.

"I'm talking about by letting Ona go."

"(You want to protect her?)"

"Yeah from my fucked up life."

"(You're not fucked up Blair.)"

She raised her eyebrows but quickly let them drop. I wasn't sure what was going through her head right now. She went and through a lot so maybe she had a lot on her mind. I was planning to find out.

She just gave me a small smile before lifting the blanket off of me and setting her legs to each side of me. Her body weight now being placed on my thigh. Her naked body...

"I just don't want to hurt Ona. I know breaking up with her will upset her but maybe its for the best in the long run."

"(Do you actually believe that?)"

"I'm not sure what to believe." She placed her face in my neck gently pressing her lips against it. It wasn't meant as a sexual act though. More of a gentle thank you. I knew she was grateful for the ways I've been there for her.

"Gracias Alexia."

"(Anything for you.)"

"I know. I love you for that?"

"For that?" I mocked her playfully and I felt her smile. "I love you."

"(Better, I suppose.)"

"Ona can't handle someone like me."

"(I would argue that maybe she could.)"

"I don't get it."


"You always push me towards Ona but last night it just seems like you also want me for yourself which is it?"

I sighed noticing the conflicting actions as well. I loved seeing Ona and Blair together, but any time she was near I couldn't choke down my feelings for her. I was so madly in love with the American.

"I still love Ona."

"(You're still in love with Ona?)"


"(Why did you do any of that last night?)"

"Because I'm in love with you too."

"What?" I asked her hopeful but confused at the same time.

"I thought you knew that. I'm in love with both of you. Its like a different side of me comes out when I'm with one or the other." She told me and sat up to make eye contact. Probably best so I don't keep my eyes anywhere else.

"We look at each other too long to just be friends...I don't look at my friends that way." She frowned slightly.

"(I'm such a bad influence on you.)"

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