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Aitana's POV

"Whatcha doin?" I looked over at Blake who was glued to her phone. She was scrolling through tiktok. She was literally addicted to tiktok.

"Just scrolling through tiktok."

I couldn't help but notice her intense gaze into her phone and the one audio repeating over and over again. Her cheeks turned red when she looked back up from her phone.

"Let me see your phone."

"Why....?" She locked her phone and just stared at me with a childish smile.

"What were you watching?"

"You really wanna know?"

"I wouldn't be asking if it wasn't bothering me." I looked down at her annoyed standing right in front of her now with my arms crossed.


"Gimme." Blake unlocked her phone and handed me her phone. I pressed play and a big smile came to my face. She was watching a tiktok of us. It was the two of us at a barca game walking the field after the final whistle. We looked so cute.

"You're so dumb." I giggled jumping onto the bed next to you.

"I don't know you were getting a little jealous there Ms. Bonmati." I shook my head and hid my face into the mattress.

"I wasn't jealous I was confused what peaked your interest that much."

"Only you." I she booped my nose as I turned back over. "I'm so obsessed with you."

"I bet you've told all your ex's that too."

"Oh god no. Let's see Lucy and I barely lasted because it started world war III between Blair and I. My other ex's I don't know. Its just always been different. This time it felt more like I chose you more than you chasing after me and I really like that feeling."

"You like being the one who chased?"

"I like that you just connected with me. You didn't want me actually care about me. Thank you for the that Aitana." I smiled and kissed her cheek. I'm not sure where this moment came from but I was happy to make Blake feel something different, something real.

"Can I tell you more about when I first liked you?" She propped herself with one arm.

"I'd like that."

"Some of this truth might be a little odd though."

"I prefer the truth."

"You and Ona both seemed to like me. I liked the attention but every time I looked at you I felt this tingle."

"Wait did you like Ona?"

"For like a week yes."

"Really?" I let out a light laugh. I wasn't mad hearing about it. It was interesting.

"I mean both of you were always around when I first got here. You have a lot of similarities but after a week I figured I didn't like Ona. I really couldn't keep you off my mind. I've never had someone control my thoughts as much as you did."

"Are you being serious?"

"Oddly enough yeah. It feels odd to admit it. When I was in L.A. I was thinking about all of it alot actually. I could have chose either you or Ona but it didn't even seem like a choice. I was thinking about all the things that made you so special to me." Blake admitted shyly.

Blake was so much calmer when it was just the two of us. In a group she had this different energy to her. To a degree it was a bit of arrogance but around me she was so humble and sweet. She humbled me too.

Life just felt simple around her. I know their family is super rich but I always forget. Blair gives off the stuck up rich girl vibe, sorry Ona. Blake was so down to earth.

I knew when I actually got to know her that my heart would be set. She's just what I need. I'm glad I found someone that makes me this happy, but more important this content.

I could just be relaxed.

"I'm really glad you came to Barcelona."

"Not as glad as I am." She chuckled as she looked up at the ceiling. A sense of relief set on her face.

"So did you figure it out?"

"Figure what out?"

"What was so special about me?"

"I'm not sure. I don't plan on leaving until I know. Maybe its okay not to know."

"When you do figure it out I'd like to know."

"You'll be the first to know."


"Good." She smiled her eyes locked on the ceiling and her hands behind her head.

"Are you worried about Blair?" I figured maybe something was on her mind and that was likely the issue.

"Ever since I've gotten here it does that feel like my job anymore."


"Blair's growing up. She has to face these things on her own. I know this might upset you but I'm glad Blair broke up with Ona for now. I don't doubt that the two will find their way back but they'll be much better off."

I nodded taking in the information. I wish Blake would intervene with Alexia though. She needed to stop taking advantage of Blair when she is in a fragile state. When they had sex the first time I knew, but I couldn't bring myself to tell Blake.

I could read the signs from a mile away. Alexia is still in love with Blair. The way the two look at each other made me sick. Alexia was comforting Ona day by day while sleeping with her ex. It just felt so wrong.

"Alexia is sleeping with Blair again."

"I know."

"You're not upset?"

"Not my problem."

"What if Ona finds out?"

"She's not going to."

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Because you've hated Alexia lately and oddly enough I don't think she's in the wrong."

"You don't?!"

"Alexia is giving Blair exactly what she needs."

"Alexia is still in love with Blair though."

"Doesn't matter. Its just sex with no strings attached. They both have the same mind that's the only reason it works." Blake shrugged.

I did hate Alexia lately. I hated the way she was two faced to Ona. Alexia is Ona's hero. She's her mentor and friend. She shouldn't be with Blair at all. If she cared for Ona she'd cut off contact with Blair.

Alexia seemed so selfish to me.

"Aitana, don't over think it."

"How could I not?"

"We have a game coming up. Its champions league time. Our attention and focus needs to be elsewhere. For the team's sake we have to focus on soccer first."

"I know I will." I assured her before resting gently against her. She pulled her arms around me and gently rubbed my back to try to keep me calm.

I wish I was relaxed as Blake.

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