Swing of Things

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Ona's POV

I rolled over to see Blair wide awake and staring at the ceiling. She was discharged only two days after she woke up. She was breathing fine and labs were all looking positive so they allowed her to go home back to Spain to rest.

I was so nervous the whole two hour plane ride that something was going to go wrong and that we'd be stuck in the air as she was fighting for her life again, but thank goodness that was not the case.

"(Still not sleeping?)"

"Not well..." She sighed staring up at the ceiling. At the hospital she was given medication to make her sleep, but now that she was here she hasn't slept at all.

"(Let's go get you some food.)" I sat up stretching in our bed.

"(Hey. How are you feeling?)" Aitana came in and sat down on the bed next to Blair who was still looking up at the ceiling.


"(She's still not sleeping?)" I shook my head frustrated. What can I do to help her? I feel like I'm useless.

"I'll be up in awhile O. Go eat." She leaned over and kissed my cheek before collapsing back down onto the bed.

"(Are you worried about her?)" Aitana wrapped her arm around me when we exited the room.

"(Of course I am. I'm utterly terrified. This ruined her life. She can't sleep. She's hurt. She gave up her whole life because of us. She promised Blake to protect you, but I should've...I just can't help but feel like I'm at fault for-.)"

"You didn't shoot up the fucking game Ona. Stop it. Blair risked her life because she couldn't imagine it without you. She's going to have a tough time for awhile, but you have to just be there for her O." Blake came over and held me comfortingly.

"(Mapi, Ingrid, and Alexia are on their way.)" Aitana looked down at her phone.

"(Maybe Alexia can help her.)" I rolled my eyes annoyed by the probability. I wish I had the same effect on Blair that Alexia did.

"I think you mean that they are here." Blake chuckled as she heard the door open. The captain still has a key to their front door.

"(I was expecting food.)" Mapi rolled her eyes playfully as Alexia wrapped me in a hug.

"(How are you holding up O?)" Alexia's tight hold helped release a bit of the pressure in my body. I didn't let go so she placed her arms back around me holding me for comfort.

"Blair!" Mapi sprinted up the stairs when she saw the headstrong American trying to come down them by herself.

"(Seriously my love you are going to hurt yourself! Ask for help!)" I broke free from Alexia's arms and Blair frowned at me.

"I'm sorry." She looked so tired.

"(Blair I'm worried about you.)" I confronted her in front of everyone which maybe have been a bad choice, but she didn't seem too upset about it.

"I know that I need help from everyone, but I'm just trying to...I don't know." Blair made her trying not to cry face before limping towards the kitchen with Mapi's help.

"(Fuck. What am I supposed to do?!)" I punched the wall frustrated. Alexia looked over at me holding back a laugh which only pissed me off further.

"(Leave the punching walls thing to your girlfriend please.)" She shook her head pulling me under her arm taking me into the kitchen.

"What do we want to eat?" Blake asked herself rhetorically as she skimmed through the fridge. A few moments Blair walked over to me as I leaned against the counter. She leaned forward against me resting her head against the side if my head.

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