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Ona's POV

"(Not having practice today is honestly so nice. I needed this rest day.)" Aitana dropped onto the couch next to me tired. We have our last game tomorrow but we all know we're going to win so Jonatan gave us a break.

"Blair hurry up!" I shouted across the room as the light switch was flipped. Blake and Blair jumped over the top of the couch and landed beside each of us. Blake pulled Aitana on top of her as Blair pushed my legs apart and laid inbetween them.

"Is that even comfortable?" I asked her skeptically and she smiled. Her only verbal response was a small mhmm.

"Blake wanna see me make people freak out?"

"Doing what?" Blake laughed confused.

Blair just looked over with a smile held up a finger and quickly began messing with her phone. "No fucking way are you about to do that trend." Blake's eyes grew in realization.

I was still confused on what was going on. Blair began videoing and playing a song as she lip synced to something and ran her hand across my thigh.

"Oh shit and you have my shorts on." She turned her head looking at the number seven USA shorts that I had stolen.

"Wait what are you doing with that video?!"

"Its called a soft launch. Maybe for once I don't want to keep my relationship a secret. I was worried a few days ago but I just figured that its time."

"Really?" Blake sat up more alert to the conversation. She reached over to pause the tv and readjusted Aitana in her lap.

"Ready for what exactly?"

"Ona I'm not out yet..."

"I'm not either though."

"You don't have to be. I didn't video your face and none of your tattoos are there either no one will recognize that it's you." She assured me before posting the video.

"You would be okay with everyone knowing you two are together?" Aitana asked her cautiously. Why did she seem to not believe her? Did I miss something?

"For once yeah. The other night I talked to Aitana about being afraid of what everyone said but I don't care anymore. Blake and I are both so happy we signed to play here. We met you two and we're happy. With Ona...I can actually just relax and breathe. Besides I didn't post her face its called keeping things private but not a secret." She turned her body over and reached up to pull herself up to avoid laying her hand facing forward in awkward position.

"How many followers do you have on tiktok anyways?" Blake asked her.

"Ummm nine million apparently. A lot lower than my instagram." She said nonchalantly. How many million???

"So I guess that means you're ready to be in a like for real relationship this time?" Blake asked her bluntly.

"Yeah duh. Look what I fucking bagged." Blair told her as if it was obvious.

"Sidenote...did you talk to Mallory yet today?" I almost forgot that their American teammate lives with them. Not sure why Blair needs to go talk to her though.

"I probably should go do that right now actually." Blair quickly got up and ran upstairs.

"Why do they need to talk?"

"Did you forget?" Aitana asked me confused.

"Mallory's last game with the team is tomorrow. She's upstairs packing up her things." Blake told me sounding sad.

"I totally forgot about her contract being Blair sad about it?"

"Extremely? She hasn't talked to you about it at all? She was complaining to Blake and I earlier..." Aitana exchanged a look with Blake.

"Has anyone planned any goodbye party for her?" I asked them curious and Blake nodded with a big smile.

"Dansby gets here tomorrow. He's coming to watch her last game in person then fly home with her."


"Dansby is Mallory's husband." Blake reminded me and I nodded. That's right she's married. I honestly didn't see Mallory around Blair much since we started dating.

I'm not sure if the two things are connected. After further conversation, I found out that Mallory is the one who broke Blair's heart yet they're still best friends. It was odd to me but I didn't question things too much. There was probably a good explanation to the situation.

Besides I'm not sure I have to worry about Blair doing anything bad. Blair already seems pretty in love with me. She's probably going to wait to say it. She had such a panicked look on her face when Alba, Alexia's sister, was flirting with her.

"How do you feel about Blair going public with being in a relationship? Or soft launching it?" Blake asked me breaking me out of my thoughts.

"Its a good thing right?"

"But were you okay with it?"

"Blair seems so committed and she really cares about me. I'm trusting her with how she handles things." I told them confident. Both Blake and Aitana gave me a small smile.

"You two are so in love." Aitana teased me and I shook my head trying not to blush.

"Just take it slow and enjoy it okay?" Blake assured me and then I heard Blair and Mallory both coming back down stairs.

"Who let Blair back on tiktok?" Mallory came in laughing and watching the video.

"Look I want people to know that I'm in a relationship but that's all they need to know. The fans are literally the fbi they'll figure it out eventually. Right now everyone is convinced Lucy and Ona are still a thing." Blair told us and I sat up confused.

"People think what?"

"You didn't know?" Blair asked me with a smile on her face but it slowly dropped.

"Oh you don't read a lot of the women's soccer social media. Its some very interesting stuff...after the whole World Cup thing everyone thought that you and Lucy are dating. According to the internet you broke up Wonze. Thank god that's not true." Blair shrugged as she sat back down onto the couch next to Mallory.

"Why is this funny to you guys?!"

"Ona babe, the internet is literally crazy. They tried to say that Alex Morgan and I were dating when she's married...with a whole ass child. Then it was Blake broke up Tobin and Christen-which no one will break those two up. Oh and also apparently I was dating some actor that I didn't even know. Its the internet it's chaos." She told me and I sat there finding some of the things she said funny as well.

"Yet no one knew when we were together."

"Yeah because you're quite possibly one of the straightest female soccer players on the planet. Everyone who plays this sport is mad fruity." Blair told her bluntly.

"Wait do I seem gay?" I asked her confused and all she did was smile and kiss me.

"I'm not going to entertain that question." She smiled and kissed my cheek before pressing play on our movie again.

Wait, I look gay?

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